Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 3, Lesson 2: Speak and Listen


It takes/ took/ will take + ( somebody/ something ) +

 time + to V


It takes one hour to do these exercises.

It took me twenty minutes to walk to school.

It will take the plane two hours to fly to Ha Noi.

1.Where is your home village?

It ‘s to the west of the city.

2.How far is it from the city?

It ‘s about 15 kilometers from the city.

3.How can you get there?

I can get there by motorbike.

4.How long does it take to get there?

It takes 50 minutes to get there.

5.What do people do for a living in your village?

They plant rice and raise cattle.

6.Does your village have a river?

No.There aren’t any rivers, but there is a big lake.

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Welcome to our class!ENGLISH 9UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDEThursday, October 15th 2009Lesson 2: Speak & ListenANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: 1.Where is Ba’s village?-It is about 60 kilometers to the north of Ha Noi.2.How did Ba and his family get to the village?-They got there by bus.3.Is there a small bamboo forest at the entrance to the village?-No, there isn’t. There ia a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village.Thursday, October 15th 2009UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDEA. SPEAK * STRUCTURE:It takes one hour to do these exercises.It took me twenty minutes to walk to school.It will take the plane two hours to fly to Ha Noi.It takes/ took/ will take + ( somebody/ something ) + time + to VEX:Thursday, October 15th 2009UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDEA. SPEAK * Matching:AB1.Where is your home village?2.How far is it from the city?3.How can you get there?4.How long does it take to get there?5.What do people do for a living in your village?6.Does your village have a river?a.I can get there by motorbike.b.They plant rice and raise cattle.c.It ‘s to the west of the city.d.No.There aren’t any rivers, but there is a big lake.e.It ‘s about 15 kilometers from the city.f.It takes 50 minutes to get there.Thursday, October 15th 2009UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDEA. SPEAK: Take roles1.Where is your home village?2.How far is it from the city?3.How can you get there?4.How long does it take to get there?5.What do people do for a living in your village?6.Does your village have a river?_ I can get there by motorbike. _ They plant rice and raise cattle. _ It ‘s to the west of the city. _ No.There aren’t any rivers, but there is a big lake. _ It ‘s about 15 kilometers from the city. _ It takes 50 minutes to get there.ABThursday, October 15th 2009UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDEA. SPEAK: Take roles1.Where is your home village?2.How far is it from the city?3.How can you get there?4.How long does it take to get there?5.What do people do for a living in your village?6.Does your village have a river?AB- to the sound of the city.- 30 kilometers from the city. - by bus.-1 hour- plant rice and vegetables.- a river flowing across the village.There is a riverflowing across the village.. It is flowing across the village.123654789X1XXXXXXXX23456789123456789Group 1XGroup 2GAME: NOUGHT AND CROSSESWhere is your home village ? What do people do for a living in your village?LUCKY NUMBER!LUCKY NUMBER!How can you get there ? How far is it from the city ? How long does it take to get there ?Are there any banyan trees in your village ? Is there a river flowing across your village ? Thursday, October 15th 2009UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDEB. LISTENLook at the map. Guess and draw Ba’s trip.Listen and check!To get fuel : ñoå xaêngListen and check!DEBFhighway No1airport gas stationDragon Bridge banyan tree store pondGIAparking lotCHbamboo forest1.airport2.gas station3.pond4.highway No.15.banyan tree6.store7.bamboo forest8.Dragon Bridge9.parking lotANSWER KEY:+ Homework _ Practise speaking about your village._ Learn by heart new structures._ Prepare: UNIT 3. READTHANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTIONGOOG BYE

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