Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 tuần 17


B. A truck driver (b1)

I. Objectives:

1. Language contents:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a picture story about a truck driver in order to understand the main ideas and details.

*/ New words: truck driver , farmer , load , unload , food stall

*/ Grammar: The present progressive , present simple tense.

2. Skills: all skills

3. Attitude: educate Ss to study hard.

II. Teaching aids:

- T’s Preparation: cassette, tape, sub-board.

- Ss’ preparation: prepare the lesson at home.


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Week: 17 Preparing date: 04/12/2013 Period: 49 Teaching date: 09/12/2013 Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT B. A truck driver (b1) I. Objectives: 1. Language contents: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a picture story about a truck driver in order to understand the main ideas and details. */ New words: truck driver , farmer , load , unload , food stall */ Grammar: The present progressive , present simple tense. 2. Skills: all skills 3. Attitude: educate Ss to study hard. II. Teaching aids: T’s Preparation: cassette, tape, sub-board. Ss’ preparation: prepare the lesson at home. III. Techniques: pair work, guessing, questions - answers IV. Procedures: Checking the previous lesson. Presenting new lesson. Teaching new lesson. Teacher's and students' activities contents 1. Warm up: T: ask ps to talk about their daily activities Ps : work in groups T: call on some ps to present in front of the class. T: what about Mr Quang ? What does he do every morning ? 2. Presentation: T: elicit the vocabulary , using pictures , explanation Ps : guess the meanings of words Ps : practice reading the vocabulary T: call on some ps to read Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember T: hang the pictures on page on 86 on the board , ask ops to look at the pictures and match the pictures with activities Ps : match Ps: guess the order of these activities T: ask ps to listen to the tape and check Ps : listen and check T: ask ps to open their books , listen again and correct Ps: go to the board to rearrange the pictures into the right order. 3. Practice T: ask ps to read the text silently and then discuss the questions in pairs Ps: work in pairs Ps: write the answers on the board. T: check and correct 4. Production: T: ask ps to look at the pictures again and retell Mr Quang's activities. Talk about activities you do everyday Ex : Every day I get up at six . I have breakfast at six thirty …. Vocabulary: truck driver : tài xế xe tải farmer : nông dân farm: nông dân load : chất hàng lên unload: dở hàng xuống food stall: tiệm ăn nhỏ Column A : pictures on page 86 Column B : posters 1. going to Hanoi. 2. meeting a farmer 3. having breakfast 4. going on a farm 5. loading vegetables in the truck 6. unloading key: 4,2,5,1,6,3 Questions : 1. Mr Quang is a truck driver. 2.He is going to a farm. 3. A farmer is waiting for him. 4. He is taking the vegetables to the market. 5. He is eating breakfast. 6. He is eating at a food stall. 4. Consolidation: T: remind the present progressive tense 5. Home work: Learn the structure by heart Prepare section B2,3 V. Self evaluation: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 17 Preparing date: 03/12/2013 Period: 50 Teaching date: 12/12/2013 Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT B. A truck driver (B2, 3) I. Objectives: 1. Language contents: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice the present progressive tense '' yes / no questions'' to talk about actions happening. */ New words: correct , copy */ Grammar: Yes / No questions in present progressive tense 2. Skills: all skills 3. Attitude: educate Ss to study hard. II. Teaching aids: T’s Preparation: cassette, tape, sub-board. Ss’ preparation: prepare the lesson at home. III. Techniques: pair work, guessing, questions - answers IV. Procedures: Checking the previous lesson. Presenting new lesson. Teaching new lesson. Teacher's and students' activities contents 1. Warm up: T: hang some pictures on the board and ask : Do you remember these activities ? T: ask ps to match the pictures with the right activities Ps: feedback T: ask ps to ask and answer about what the people in each picture are doing Ps: work in pairs T: check and correct 2. Presentation: T: explain the meanings of words '' copy , correct'' T: You are going to listen to the conversation between Ba and Lan about what they and their friends are doing. T: ask ps to guess what they are doing Ps: guess T: ask ps to listen to the tape and check Ps: listen and check T: ask ps to open their books , listen again and correct 3. Practice T: ask ps to listen and repeat Ps: listen and repeat T: ask ps to play the roles T: call some pairs to perform in front of the class. T: ask ps to pick out the questions to answer with yes / no in the dialogue Ps: feedback T: write the sentences on the board and explain the grammar T: ask ps to ask and answer the questions in pairs T: check and correct 4. Free practice: T: ask ps to look at the pictures in ''warm up'' again , ask and answer about the activities of people in the pictures using yes / no questions Four pictures Activities : 1. playing video games 2. Watching TV 3. Playing volleyball. 4. Listening to music Ex: P1: What is he doing ? P2: He is playing video games. Vocabulary: Correct (v) : sữa chữa Copy (v): sao chchép Flipchart: Choose the correct answers: 1. Ba is doing Math / English / Geography. 2. Tuan is playing soccer / volleyball / video games. 3. Nga and Huong are playing soccer / volleyball / video games. Key: 1. Math 2. soccer 3. soccer Yes / No questions : 1. Are you doing math? Yes , I am. / No, I am not. 2. Is he playing soccer ? Yes , he is . / No, he isn't. 3. Are they playing soccer? Yes , they are . / No, they aren't. Questions / 87 a. He is doing his homework. b. Yes, he is. c. No, he isn't. d. He is playing soccer. e. No, they aren't. Pictures Ex: Is he playing video games? Yes , he is. 4. Consolidation: T: remind yes / no questions 5. Home work: Learn the structure by heart Prepare section C1, 2 V. Self evaluation: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 17 Preparing date: 04/12/2013 Period: 51 Teaching date: 14/12/2013 Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT C. Road signs (C1,2) I. Objectives: 1. Language contents: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use '' can / can't '' statements and traffic vocabulary to talk about what they can do or can't do on the road. */ New words: policeman, park, sign, one-way, turn left / right, difficult */ Grammar: can / can't 2. Skills: all skills 3. Attitude: educate Ss to study hard. II. Teaching aids: T’s Preparation: cassette, tape, sub-board. Ss’ preparation: prepare the lesson at home. III. Techniques: pair work, guessing, questions - answers IV. Procedures: Checking the previous lesson. Presenting new lesson. Teaching new lesson. Teacher's and students' activities contents 1. Warm up: T: hang some pictures on the board , ask ps to ask and answer about how the people in the pictures go to school / work Ps: work in pairs T: check and correct T: introduce the new lesson 2. Presentation: T: elicit the vocabulary using pictures , explanation Ps : guess the meanings of words Ps: practice reading the vocabulary T: call on some ps to read Slap the board 3. Practice T: ask ps to listen to the tape and complete the passage Ps: listen twice and complete the passage T: open their books , listen again and correct T: ask ps to read the passage silently T: call on some ps to read aloud Ps: discuss the questions in pairs T: check and correct T: explain '' can / can't '' T: ask ps to do exercise C2 Ps : look at the pictures and do exercise C2 T: check and correct 4. Production: T: ask ps to look at the road signs on the board and work in pairs Ps: work in pairs T: check and correct Pictures Ex: How does she go to school? She goes to school by bike. Vocabulary: Policeman (n) : cảnh sát Park (n): công viên Difficult (a) : khó khăn Turn left : rẽ trái Turn right : rẽ phải Go ahead : đi thảng One- way: (n) : đường một chiều Road sign(n): biển báo Listen and complete the passage : Hello, My name is Hoan . I am a ……(1). I have a …..(2 ) job. Look at the man in the ….(3) . He is going into that street . This sign says "………(4). You can't go into that street. Key: 1. policeman 2. difficult 3. street 4. one way Questions: 1. What does Hoan do? He is a policeman. 2. Is his job difficult? Yes, it is. C2: What do the signs mean? Add can / can't a. You can turn left. b. You can't turn right. c. You can go ahead . d. You can't ride a motorbike. Road signs Example exchange : P1: What does this sign mean? P2: You can't park here. 4. Consolidation: T: remind the vocabulary and grammar 5. Home work: Learn the structure by heart Prepare section C3,4 V. Self evaluation: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Duyệt của tổ CM Lê Minh Quân

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