Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 4 - Unit 9: What are they doing? - Năm học 2018-2019 - Nguyễn Ngọc Anh

Ss describe the pictures

- T gives remark and introduces the picture to give new words:

listen to mucsic, read, write, watch, video, text, dictation.

- Ss read new words.

- T gives remarks and correct mistakes.

-Games: Matching:

- T explains the rule of the games.

- Ss play games.

- T checks and congratulates the winner

2. Look, listen and repeat

- Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text book and tell about the situation.

- Ss listen and repeat the dialogue:

+ 1st , 2nd : listen only

+ 3rd : listen and repeat( Ss point the appropriate line in their books and repeat)

- Model sentences:

- What’s he/she doing ?

+ He’s/ She’s listening to music.

- T explains the sentences.

- Ss read and give the examples.

- T feedbacks, corrects, remarks


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 4 - Unit 9: What are they doing? - Năm học 2018-2019 - Nguyễn Ngọc Anh, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Week :14– Period:27 ................December...........2018 LESSON PLAN Unit 9: What are they doing? Lesson 1 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1.Know how to ask and answer about someone is doing. 2.Ss will be happy, love their school and English. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1. New words: listen to mucsic, read, write, watch, video, text, dictation. 2. Structure:- What’s he/she doing ? + He’s/ She’slistening to music. III. SKILL 1. Speaking, listening 2. Reading and writing skills. IV. TEACHING AIDS 1. Teacher: Power point, text book, chalk, word cards. 2. Pupils: text book, pencil, ruler. V. PROCEDURES Time Activities Interaction Materials 5’ 10’ 8’ 7’ 5’ A. WARM UP - T and Ss sing a song“ This is the way we go to school” - T plays the music 2 times. - T takes attendance. B. NEW LESSON 1. New words Ss describe the pictures - T gives remark and introduces the picture to give new words: listen to mucsic, read, write, watch, video, text, dictation. - Ss read new words. - T gives remarks and correct mistakes. -Games: Matching: - T explains the rule of the games. - Ss play games. - T checks and congratulates the winner 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text book and tell about the situation. - Ss listen and repeat the dialogue: + 1st , 2nd : listen only + 3rd : listen and repeat( Ss point the appropriate line in their books and repeat) - Model sentences: - What’s he/she doing ? + He’s/ She’s listening to music. - T explains the sentences. - Ss read and give the examples. - T feedbacks, corrects, remarks 3.Point and say - Recall how to use the model sentences - Give examples using the pictures in the book. S1: What’s she doing ? S2: She’s watching a video. - Ask Ss to practice and calls some pairs to act out, others listen and check. - T checks finally. C. CONCLUSION Asks Ss retell the content of the lesson. - Ss copy the lesson. - Prepare well for the next lesson - Whole class ] Ss will be happy with the lesson - Individual ] Ss can guess the meaning of new words. - Chorus, group and individual. - Whole class - Whole class ] Remember new words - Individual - Whole class, individual ]To find new model sentences - The whole class, groups individual. ] Ss understand the meaning of model sentences. - Individual ]Practice speaking skill -In pair - Whole class, individual ] Remind Ss about the lesson Individually -CD - Word cards -Book - CD -Picture Addition:................ ................ ................ ................ Week :14– Period:28 ................December...........2018 LESSON PLAN Unit 9: What are they doing ? Lesson 2 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1.Know how to ask and answer questions about people are doing 2.Ss will be happy, love their school and English. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1. New words :paint, make, mask, plane, puppet, exercise 2. Structure:- What are they doing ? + They’re painting masks. III. SKILL 1. Speaking, listening 2. Reading and writing skills. IV. TEACHING AIDS 1. Teacher: Power point, text book, chalk, word cards. 2. Pupils: text book, pencil, ruler. V. PROCEDURES Time Activities Interaction Materials 5’ 8’ 7’ 5’ 5’ 5’ A. WARM UP - T calls Ss to sing “Can you swim?” song. - T play the music, Ss clap their hand and sing song. - T takes attendance. B. NEW LESSON 1. New words - Ss describe the pictures - T gives remark and introduces the picture to give new words:paint, make, mask, plane, puppet, exercise. - Ss read new words. - T gives remarks and correct mistakes. -Games: Matching: - T explains the rule of the games. - Ss play games. - T checks and congratulates the winner 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text book and tell about the situation. - Ss listen and repeat the dialogue: + 1st , 2nd : listen only + 3rd : listen and repeat( Ss point the appropriate line in their books and repeat) - Model sentences: - What are they doing ? + They’re painting masks - T explains the sentences. - Ss read and give the examples. - T feedbacks, corrects, remarks 2. Point and say - Recall how to use the model sentences - Give examples using the pictures in the book. S1: What are they doing ? S2: They are making a puppet.. - Ask Ss to practice and calls some pairs to act out, others listen and check. - T checks finally. 3. Let’s talk - Ask Ss to look at the picture in task 3 and ask them what they should say about the picture - Ask Ss to fill the speech bubbles with the correct phrases prompted by the Ss, thenrepeat these sentences a few times. - Ask Ss to work in pairs again to make questions and answer them. - Call on some pairs to go to the board to demonstrate. - Check and give the comment. Playing games -Ss play games: “Throw the ball”. - T explains the rule of the game. - T gives remark and congratulates the winners. C. CONCLUSION Asks Ss retell the content of the lesson. - Ss copy the lesson. - Prepare well for the next lesson - Whole class ] Ss will be happy with the lesson Individual * Ss can guess the meaning of new words. - Chorus, group and individual. - Whole class * Remember new words - Individual * To find new model sentences - Whole class, individual - The whole class, groups individual. * Ss understand the meaning of model sentences. ]Contolled-Practice -In pair - Whole class, individual ]Practice Spoken interaction skill. - In pair -Individual -Individual -Individual - Whole class * Ss can remember model sentences -Individual ] Remind Ss about the lesson Individually - Word cards - Pictures -CD - Book -CD -Pictures -Ball Addition: Week :15– Period:29 ................December...........2018 LESSON PLAN Unit 9: What are they doing ? Lesson 3 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: pronounce the sounds of the letters sk and xt in the word mask and text respectively II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1. New words :revise 2. Structure:revise 3.Phonics : Sk mask xt text III. SKILL 1. Speaking, listening 2. Reading and writing skills. IV. TEACHING AIDS 1. Teacher: Power point, text book, chalk, word cards. 2. Pupils: text book, pencil, ruler. V. PROCEDURES Time Activities Interaction Materials 5’ 10’ 8’ 7’ 5’ A. WARM UP * Game: Revising the previous lesson by calling some pupils to the front of the class to sing the song :”What are they doing ?” Have class listen and clap their hands. B. NEW LESSON 1. Listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at the text book and tell about the situation. - Call some students to read aloud the sentences, underline the words have the same sound “sk’and “xk” - T feedbacks, corrects, remarks 2.Listen and tick - Ask the Ss to look at the book and give request - Give clear instruction: You have to read the model sentences carefully and then complete your sentence to say about the intruction. - T plays the CD and Ss do the task. - Calls 1 S to go to the board. - Ask the Ss to share with the partners. - Call some Ss to show the result, others to give comments. - Check if necessary. 3.Let’s Chant Play the recording. SS listen and to get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the chant - Divide the class into 2 groups to read. - Let Ss work in groups of 2 or 4 - Call on some groups to demonstrate. The rest listen and comment. - Have the class sing the song again to reinforce their pronunciation. C. CONCLUSION Asks Ss retell the content of the lesson. - Ss copy the lesson. - Prepare well for the next lesson - Whole class ] Ss will be happy with the lesson - Whole class - Individual ] * Ss know how to read exactly sound “sk’and “xk” Chorus, group and individual. ]improve listening skill. - Whole class, individual - The whole class, groups individual. - Individual ] Reinforce the sentence pattern and have some fun. Whole class. Half- half. Groups of 2 to 4 -Individual ] Remind Ss about the lesson Individually * S -Ball -CD Book - CD - CD Addition:

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