Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: City Life - Năm học 2020-2021 - Đoàn Thị Lê

A. Warm up

- T gives Qs to Ss in two groups and asks them to do a puzzle.

1. The village of Bat Trang lies on the bank of the Red River.

2. This kind of hat is made in Chuong village.

3. In Hoi An you can see colorful hanging in the streets.

4. Some people that a place of interest should be a well-known site.

5. The children can the clay into many shapes.

6. The of Ha Noi began over a thousand years ago.

7. This village is for its wood-carving craft.

8. A place of is sometimes simply one that people like going to.

B. Presentation

* Vocabulary

- T uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia).

- T follows the seven steps of teaching vocabulary.

* Check vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

C. Practice

* The dialogue.

- T asks Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the picture and ask them some prediction questions about what they are going to read:

• What can you see in the pictures?

• Do you know these two boys?

• Where are they now?


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: City Life - Năm học 2020-2021 - Đoàn Thị Lê, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Week: Date of preparation: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: CITY LIFE Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know: 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic of life in the city. b. Grammar: Review: Comparison of adjectives& adverbs; some phrasal verbs. 2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing and speaking. 3. Formation of behavior: Students will be interested in the life in the city. II. Teaching aids: - Projector, textbook, pictures, CD, computer. III. Procedures: 1. Class organization. (2 minutes) - Greet. - Check attendance. 2. New lesson. (41 minutes) Steps Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Warm - up To motivate Ss and lead to the topic of the new lesson. Presentation To provide Ss with vocabulary to facilitate Ss’ practice. Practice To guess the content of the dialogue. To check the information of the dialogue. To know more social expressions. Production To check information related to city life. A. Warm up - T gives Qs to Ss in two groups and asks them to do a puzzle. 1. Thevillage of Bat Trang lies on the bank of the Red River. 2. This kind ofhat is made in Chuong village. 3. In Hoi An you can see colorful hanging in the streets. 4. Some peoplethat a place of interest should be a well-known site. 5. The children canthe clay into many shapes. 6. Theof Ha Noi began over a thousand years ago. 7. This village isfor its wood-carving craft. 8. A place ofis sometimes simply one that people like going to. B. Presentation * Vocabulary - T uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia). - T follows the seven steps of teaching vocabulary. * Check vocabulary: Rub out and remember. C. Practice * The dialogue. - T asks Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the picture and ask them some prediction questions about what they are going to read: What can you see in the pictures? Do you know these two boys? Where are they now? What are they talking about? Is Sydney a capital city? What is it famous for? - T plays the recording, Ss listen and read. - T asks Ss if their predictions are correct. * Complete the sentences. - T asks Ss work independently. - T asks Ss to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false. - Ss compare answers with a partner - Ss correct the false sentences, T writes the correct answers on the board. * Find words in the conversation. - Ss work in pairs to do the task. - T allows Ss to share answers before asking them to discuss as a class. - Ss read out the lines in the dialogue that contain the words. - T checks and confirms the correct answers. * Answer the questions. - Ss work individually to answer the questions, and then compare their answers with a partner. - T asks them to locate the information in the conversation. - Some pairs to give the questions and answers. - T confirms the correct answers. * Think of other way to say these expressions from the conversation. - Ss work in small groups to discuss and tick the correct box and look for expressions to support their answer. * Replace the word(s) in italics with one of the words from the box. - T tells Ss that most of the words they need to use are related to cities or city life. - Ss work in pairs. - T checks their work, and then lets them read each word correctly. - T checks and corrects their pronunciation D. Production * Game. Do a quiz. - T divides the class into two teams for this game. - To increase the fun element, T gives the teams a time of 10 seconds to finish the activity. - Which team having the most correct answers is the winner? Puzzle 1C R A F T 2C O N I C A L 3L A N T E R N S 4S A Y 5M O U L D 6H I S T O R Y 7F A M O U S 8I N T E R E S T Lead - in the new lesson. I. New words: grow up: trưởng thành. fabulous (adj): tuyệt vời. reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy. metropolitan (adj): thuộc đô thị. multicultural (adj): đa văn hoá. feature (n): nét đặc biệt, điểm đặc trưng. II. 1. Listen and read. a. Complete the sentences. Key: 1. visit 2. ancient 3. natural 4. variety 5. study b.Find words in the conversation. Key: 1. jet lag 2. a feature 3. reliable 4. metropolitan 5. multicultural c. Answer the questions. Key: 1. He grew up in Sydney. 2. Sydney is. 3. It is convenient and reliable. 4. Because it is a metropolitan and multicultural city. 5. In 1850. d. Think of other way to say these expressions from the conversation. 1. How are you? How are things? How are you doing? 2. (Are you) recovering from the jet lag? 3. I slept quite well. 4. That’s OK/ It’s no trouble/ It’s not a problem/It’s my pleasure. 2. Replace the word(s) in italics with one of the words from the box. Key: 1. international 2. local 3. crowded 4. neighboring 5. urban 3. Do a quiz. Key: 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6.B 3. Homework (2 minutes) - Revise all the new words related to life in the countrysidein “Getting started”. - Do B1, 2, 3 - Workbook. - Prepare the next lesson: A closer look 1. * Feedback ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Week: Date of preparation: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: CITY LIFE Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1 I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson, student can be able to know and use: 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic of life in the city. b. Phonetics: How to stress on pronouns in sentences. 2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing and speaking. 3. Formation of behavior: Students will be interested in the differences between life in the countryside and the one in the city. II. Teaching aids: - Projector, textbook, computer. III. Procedures: 1. Class organization. (2 minutes) - Greet. - Check attendance. 2. New lesson. (41 minutes) Steps Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Warm - up To check the new words in “Getting started” Presentation To provide Ss with vocabulary to facilitate Ss’ practice. To know how to stress on pronouns in sentences. Practice To know more words related to “city life”. . To stress on pronouns in sentences. A. Warm - up - T asks Ss to brainstorm all adjectives they have learnt, especially adjectives connected with city life in two groups. - T encourages them to call out as many words as possible B. Presentation * Vocabulary - Listen and repeat the words. - T uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia). - T follows the seven steps of teaching vocabulary. * Check vocabulary: Rub out and remember. * Pronunciation - Ss listen and pay attention to stress on pronouns in sentences. -T plays the recording, lets Ss listen and repeat - T calls some Ss to practice the words to check their pronunciation. C. Practice * Put one of the adjectives in the box in each blank. -T asks Ss work individually. -T lets Ss compare their answers with a partner and then discuss as a class.There may be some variations in the answers.For a more able class, T encourages Ss to explain why they choose that word for the category. * Now underline all the other adjectives in theletter. - T asks Ss then work independently or in pairs. - When they have finished, T lets them exchange their answers with a partner/another pair. - T elicits the correct answers. * Which adjectives describe city life? - T reads through the given adjectives. - Ss read aloud all the adjectives to make sure they pronounce the adjectives correctly. - Ss work in groups and discuss which adjectives describe, or are related to, city life. - T encourages them to talk about their choice. * Put a suitable adjective from 2 in each blank. - Ss work individually, and then compare the answers with a partner’s. - T asks some to write their answers on the board. - T checks their answers as a class. * Listen and repeat, paying attention to the differenceintheunderlinedpronouns.Circle thepronounsthatsoundstrong. - T asks Ss listen and repeat. T pauses the recording to drill difficult. - Ss say the words individually or in small groups. * Listenandmarktheunderlinedwordsas W(weak)orS(strong). - Ss listen and circle the words. - Ss do the activity in pairs and challenge each other to choose the correct words. * Workinpairs.Practicetheexchangesabove. - Ss work in pairs to practice the mini-talks above. - T goes around and gives support if necessary. city life Brainstorm I. 1. Vocabulary 1. fabulous (adj: tuyệt vời 2. affordable (adj: (giá cả) phải chăng 3. forbidden (adj: bị cấm 4. populous (adj) đông dân 5. cosmopolitan (adj: (thuộc) toàn thế giới 6. easy-going (adj: dễ chịu, thoải mái 7. stuck (adj: bị tắc, bị kẹt 2. Pronunciation Stress on pronouns in sentences. - Most pronouns have strong and weak forms. - Normally we use the weak form, but if the word is stressed because it is especially important, or because we want to show a contrast, we usethe strong form. II. Practice 1a. Put one of the adjectives in the box in each blank. Key: 1. ancient/historic 2. warm 3. comfortable 4. helpful 5. fascinating 6. historic/ancient 7. local 8. delicious b. Now underline all the other adjectives in theletter. Key: fabulous, sunny, small, friendly, affordable, good 2. Which adjectives describe city life? * Sample answer: Ss may have different answers providing that they can explain. stressful busy frightening cosmopolitan cheerful exciting forbidden rural unemployed easy-going delicious exhausted populous annoying downtown historic modern polluted pleased fashionable 3. Put a suitable adjective from 2 in each blank. Key: 1.picking 2.inconvenient /collect 3.herd 4.ridden/ brave 5. peaceful 6. nomadic 7. vast 8.put up/ hard 4. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the differenceintheunderlinedpronouns.Circle thepronounsthatsoundstrong. 5a. Listenandmarktheunderlinedwordsas W(weak)orS(strong). Key: 1. A: Can you come and give me a hand? (me is weak) B: Ok. Wait for me! (me is strong) 2. A: Did you come to the party last night? (you is weak) B: Yes. But I didn’t see you. (you is strong) 3. A: Look-it’s him! (him is weak) B: where? I can’t see him. (him is weak) 4. A: They told us to go this way. (us is weak) B: Well, they didn’t tell us. (us is strong) b. Workinpairs.Practicetheexchangesabove. Consolidation To summarize the whole lesson. - T asks someone to summarize the whole lesson. - T summarize again. 3. Homework (2 minutes) - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Do Ex A &B1, 2, 3 (WB). - Prepare the next lesson: A closer look 2. * Feedback .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Week: Date of preparation: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: CITY LIFE Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, student can be able to know and use: 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic of life in the city. b. Grammar: Review: Comparison of adjectives&adverbs; some phrasal verbs. 2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing and speaking. 3. Formation of behavior: Students must have good attitude towards the co-operation. II. Teaching aids: - Projector, textbook, computer. III. Procedures: 1. Class organization. (2 minutes) - Greet. - Check attendance. 2. New lesson. (41 minutes) Steps Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Warm - up To motivate Ss and lead to the new lesson. Presentation To know how to use comparison of adj and adverbs. Practice To revise comparison form of adjectives/ adverbs. To use some phrasal verbs in the sentences. Production To achieve the meaning of some phrasal verbs. A. Warm - up - T reminds Ss of some quantity words from students and asks “What do we use these quantity words for?” B. Presentation - T asks Ss to review comparison of adjectives and adverbs. C. Practice * Matching. - T asks Ss do exercise 1. - T goes round and helps Ss if necessary - T lets Ss exchange their answers. - T checks as a class and writes the answers on the board. * Complete the text with the most suitable form of the adjectives in brackets. Add the where necessary. - T asks Ss to do individually. - T asks Ss give the keys. - Ss write their keys on the board. * Underline the correct particle to complete each phrasalverb. - Ss do this exercise independently. - T checks the answers as a class. * Underline the phrasal verbs in the sentences, andmatchthemtotheirmeaningfromthebox. - Ss read the sentences, underline the phrasal verbs and match them to their meaning from the box. - T calls on some Ss to read the sentences. - T corrects their answers as a class. D. Production. * Read the text and find eight phrasal verbs. Match each of them with a definition from thebox. - Ss do independently. - T walks around and helps Ss who have difficulty writing the answers. - T lets Ss check their answers with a partner. - T checks as a class and writes the correct answers on the board. Brainstorm: - Expressions of quantity tell us how many or how much of something there is - a bit, a little, a few, a lot, much, many... I. Grammar * Review: - Comparison of equality: S1 + verb + as + adj/adv + as S2. - Comparative: S1 + verb + comparative adjective + than + S2. - Superlative: S + verb + the + superlative adjective + (N). Note: - Use much, a lot, a bit, and a little with the comparative forms of adjectives to show how big the differencesare. - With the superlative forms of the adjective you can usesecond,third,etc. - Use by far to emphasis superlatives. II. Practice 1. Matching. Key: 1. F 2. D 3. E 4. H 5. G 6. A 7. C 8. B 2.Complete the text with the most suitable form of the adjectives in brackets. Add the where necessary. Key: 1. the largest 2. smaller 3. the most popular 4. wider 5. the dirtiest 6. cleaner 7. The best 8. The most exciting 4.Underline the correct particle to complete each phrasalverb. Key: 1. set up 2. gets on with 3. take your hat off 4. grown up 5. shown around 6. pull down 4. Underline the phrasal verbs in the sentences, and match them to their meaning from the box. Key: 1. turn it off: press the switch 2. turned it down: refuse 3. go over: examine 4. go on with: continue doing 5. take off: remove 6. Put it down: make a note 5.Read the text and find eight phrasal verbs. Match each of them with a definition from thebox. Key: 1. dress up: put on smart clothes. 2. turn up: arrive 3. find out: discover 4. go on: continue 5. get on: make progress 6. think over: consider 7. apply for: ask for ( a job ) 8. cheer up: make someone fell happier 3. Homework (2 minutes) - Learn by heart all the phrasal verbs. - Prepare: Communication. * Feedback ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Week: Date of preparation: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: CITY LIFE Lesson 4: COMMUNICATION I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, student can be able to discuss and write about features in city life. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic of life in the city. b. Grammar: Review: Comparison of adjectives& adverbs. 2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing and speaking. 3. Formation of behavior: Students will be interested in living in the city. II. Teaching aids: - Projector, textbook, computer, pictures. III. Procedures: 1. Class organization. (2 minutes) - Greet. - Check attendance. 2. New lesson. (41 minutes) Steps Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Warm - up To motive the new lesson. To give some new words related to the topic “life in the city”. To introduce a city they like. A. Warm up: - T says the name of a famous city and has Ss in two big groups to write down the first thing they think of. - T compares answers as a group. * Extra vocabulary: - T elicits new words from Ss by the following techniques: + (example) + (translation) + (realia) - T reads the words as the model (3 times), help Ss to repeat (2 times), then calls 2 Ss to repeat individually (each student-1 time) - T checks Ss’ reading individually &corrects their pronunciation. - T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words/ →Check – vocabulary: “Slap the board. B. Practice *Which of the following features do you like best about a city? Choose three from this list. - Ss read the sentences carefully and make your three choices. - T calls on some Ss to say the three things they like best about a city. * Work in groups. Discuss your choices. Give reasons. - Ss work in groups of three to discuss your choices and give reasons why. - T tells them to study the example before they begin. - T encourages them to talk as much as possible. T may give some cues. * Readthepassageand,inyourgroup,answer the questionsbelow. - T elicits as much information as possible about these three cities from Ss. - Ss find the three cities on a world map or globe. * Write a short paragraph (80–100 words) aboutoneofthecitiesabove.Youcanrefer to the passage in 2 as a guide. - Ss choose one of the three cities and write a short passage about it. - T gives Ss 10-15 minutes to write. - T goes around to provide help if necessary. * Workingroups.Talk about the city you chose. - Ss talk about the city of your choice in groups. - T goes around to observe and give feedback. - If time allows, some Ss talk about the city they have chosen in front of the class. - T and other Ss give comments. Optional word association game ‘Paris’ - ‘Eiffel Tower’, ‘romance’. ‘food’, ‘fashion’, etc Extra vocabulary: affordable (adj): phải chăng (giá cả). skyscraper (n): nhà cao chọc trời. varied (adj): đa dạng, khác nhau. tram (n): xe điện. Activity 1. a. Which of the following features do you like best about a city? Choose three from this list. E.g.: The three things I like best about a city are: ...... b. Work in groups. Discuss your choices. Give reasons. E.g.: I like a busy and exciting city with good transport, so I can get around and see all the cultural attractions it has to offer Activity 2. Readthepassageand,inyourgroup, answerthe questionsbelow. - The location of the city. - Its attractions. - What is liked most about the city? Activity 3.Write a short paragraph (80–100 words) aboutoneofthecitiesabove.Youcanrefer to the passage in 2 as a guide. Ss’ writing. Activity 4. Workin groups. Talk about the city you chose. 3. Homework (2 minutes) Learn by heart vocabulary andstructures. Do exercises C1,2 &D1(Unit 2 - Workbook). Prepare next lesson. Unit 1. Lesson 5 Skills1. * Feedback ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Week: Date of preparation: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: CITY LIFE Lesson 5: SKILLS 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for specific information about the features of cities and talk about important features of a city. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic of life in the city. b. Grammar: Review: Comparison of adjectives& adverbs. 2. Skills: Reading and speaking. 3. Formation of behavior: Students will feel interested in discussingwhat they like or dislike about life in the city. II. Teaching aids: - Projector, textbook, computer, pictures. III. Procedures: 1. Class organization. (2 minutes) - Greet. - Check attendance. 2. New lesson. (41 minutes) Steps Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Warm - up To motivate Ss and lead to the new lesson. Reading Pre - reading To predict the content of the reading text. While - reading To comprehend the content of the reading text. To conduct a surveytorankimportant features of a city. A. Warm - up: - T reads through the given features. - T asks them what each means to them. - Ss work in pairs and put the factors in order of importance. - T calls on some pairs to present their order and give some explanations. B. Reading 1. Pre - reading - T teaches Ss vocabulary. - T asks Ss to read chorus. * Read the passage quickly and find the informationtofilltheblanks. - T asks Ss to read each part of the passage and choose the correct information for it. If time allows, T asks Ss to underline the words/phrases which help them make their decision. - T lets Ss exchange their answers. - T allows them some time to explain to one another about their choice. - T checks the answers as a class. 2. While - reading * Read the passage again and answer the questions. - T asks Ss to read the passage again and underline the words (a-e). - Ss try to guess the meaning of these words,based on the context. - T lets Ss complete the task independently. C. Speaking 1. Pre - speaking * Work in groups of five or six. Conduct a surveytorankyourowntown/cityoratown/ city you know. Give from 10 points (the best) to1point(theworst)toeachfactor. - Ss decide which town or city they are going to rank. - T divides the class into groups of five or six. - Ss take turns to ask each other the 10 questions and write the points that each student gives for each factor in the table. - While Ss are talking, T goes around giving assistance if necessary. 2. While - speaking. * Work out the final result of your group. Then present it to the class. Is your group’s resultthesameordifferentfromthatofother groups? Next they work out the final result of their group. Finally, one student from each group presents the results to the class. T acts as a facilitator, inviting and encouraging comments about the results. Discussion (1) Work in pairs. What features are important to you in a city? Put the following in order 1–8 (1 is the mostimportant). transport safety education cost ofliving climate entertainment culture convenience Reading New words 1. conduct (v): thực hiện. 2. recreational facilities (n): các phương tiện giải trí. 3. liveable (adj): sống được, đáng sống. 4. conflict (n/v): đối lập, xung đột. 5. urban spraw (n): sự đô thị hóa. 6. rank (v): xếp loại. 7. tend to (v): có khuynh hướng. 1.Read the passage quickly and find the informationtofilltheblanks. Key: 1. The Economics Intelligence Unit (EIU). 2. 2014. 3. The worst cities: Dhaka, Tripoli, and Douala. 3. Read the passage again and answer the questions. Key: 1. Climate, transport, education, safety, and recreational facilities in cities (are used). 2. Among the top 20. 3.Because the living conditions there were the most difficult or dangerous. 4.Osaka was. 5.They are a city’s green space, urban sprawl, natural features, cultural attractions, convenience, and pollution. Speaking 4. Work in groups of five or six. Conduct a surveytorankyourowntown/cityoratown/ city you know. Give from 10 points (the best) to1point(theworst)toeachfactor. 5. Work out the final result of your group. Then present it to the class. Is your group’s resultthesameordifferentfromthatofother groups? 3. Homework (2 minutes) - Learn by heart all the new words. - Prepare: Skills 2. * Feedback .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Week: Date of preparation: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: CITY LIFE Lesson 6: SKILLS 2 I. Objectives: By the end of th

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