Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Chương trình cả năm

- Greetings.

Short dialogue

* Activity 1 :

Listen and write the letters of the dialogue in order you hear.

- Predect the content of the picture.

Ready (adj)

Hurry (adj)

Work in pair.

* Activity 2: (B1)

- Introducing new words:

middle, family name

- Listen to the tape.

- Guides reading new words.

- Word in pairs.

Name Hoa

Family name

Middle name


Living with

- Answer the questions:

- Survey:


Family name

Middle name


Living with

- Learn vocabulary and B1 by heart.

- Rewrite the answer.

- Prepare B2.


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Period 2: Monday, Sept 6th04. Unit 1: BACH TO SCHOOL. (A1, A2) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to: - Greet people - Agree with other so/too. - Indentify oneself - Introduce others. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Adverb of time: still, indefinite quantifier: many, comparative with short adj/ adv, review: a lot of/ lots off. - Vocabulary: Nice, still, different, parents, many, miss, unhappy. 3. Techniques: Repetition questions and answers, pair work, group work, brain storming, sub out and remember dialogues. 4. Teachingaids: A cassette player, pictures, OHP. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ Conslidation: a/ Pre– reading: b/While-reading: 5/ Post reading: 6/ Homework: - Greetings. * Activity 1 : Listen and practice with a partmer. - Newwords Nice to see you (again) meet nice (adj), Soam I/ I am too. Dialogues build (OHP). * Activity 2 : - Pre- teach: parents(n) miss (v) - open prediction. a/ She lives with uncle, aunt, brother. b/ She has a lot of friend: in Ha Noi. c/ Her new school bigger. Smaller. d/ She is happy. unhappy. Comprehension questions. Gap fill (OHP) Learn Voc. And B1 by heart. - Write the answer. - Do the exercises 2, 3, 4 in the work book. - Read A3 in advance. T and SS make a sh.dia about greetings. Explain and stranslation and exanple. SS listen to the casstte player and read – group work – pair work answer the questions or page 10. Feedback and correct. Presentation picture Brainstorming SS read and check Their prediction. Note: (OHP: over head project) Questions and answer pair work T/ F prediction drill. Feedback and correction. SS Fill in the gap. Period 3: Monday, Sept 6th04. Unit 1: BACH TO SCHOOL. (A3, A4) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to: - Greet people - Agree with others so/too. 2. Language content: - Grammar: So/ too. - Vocabulary: Pretly. 3. Techniques: Repetition, pairwork, predict dia, dialogue build. 4. Teachingaids: A cassette player, pictures. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Homework: - Greetings. * Activity 1 : Listen then practice with a partner ( SS learnt words last year) -Practice: Predict open dialoge Nga:.............. Miss Hoa: ............... Nga: .............. Miss Hoa: .............. Nga: .............. - Remember: Dialogue build * Activity 2: Listen, complete these dialogue - Pre- listening: Predict dialogue: Pretty (adj) see you later. - While – listening: - Post – listening: Gap fill. Learn Voc. And A3 by heart. T and SS ask and answer about health. - brainstorming. - open dialogue (ex. board). SS: try completing the open dialogue. SS: Listen to the cassette player and check their prediction. - Work in pairs (books are closed). - Repetition drill. T ansks SS to compelete the dialogue with the words given. SS: listen to the cassette player and check their prediction, complete answer the questions. - Repetition drill. - Feedback – correction. SS work in pairs, practice. - recall. - Feedback and correction. Period 4: Wed. 8th 04. Unit 1: BACH TO SCHOOL. (A5, A6, B1) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to: - Indentify oneself, ask and give personal information. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Review question words. - Vocabulary: Middle name, family name. 3. Techniques: Repetition, pairwork, T/F repetion drill. 4. Teachingaids: Handouts for survey, extra board. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Pre-listening: 3/While-listening 4/ Presentation: 5/ Practice: 6/ Remember: 7/ Homework: - Greetings. Short dialogue * Activity 1 : Listen and write the letters of the dialogue in order you hear. - Predect the content of the picture. Ready (adj) Hurry (adj) Work in pair. * Activity 2: (B1) - Introducing new words: middle, family name - Listen to the tape. - Guides reading new words. - Word in pairs. Name Hoa Family name Middle name Age Living with - Answer the questions: - Survey: Name Family name Middle name Age Living with - Learn vocabulary and B1 by heart. - Rewrite the answer. - Prepare B2. T and SS: ask and answer about health. - Brainstorming. T gives guiding questions + To whom is Lan talking + Where are they talking + What are they talking about. SS brainstorm à predict SS listen (4 times) and write the letters of the d. incorrect order. Feedback and correction. T: hangs extra board with the opern dialogue. Guess Listen 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ Family name Middle name How old are you? Where do you live? Listen to the cassette Player (2 times) and work in pairs then correct their prediction work in pairs, practice the dialogue. Coplete the information on the board. - repetition - Group work Feedback and correction. SS copy the form, and survey. SS1 and SS2. - Feedback and correction. Period 5: Monday, st.13th04 Unit 1: BACH TO SCHOOL. B2, B3 NAMES AND ADDRESSES 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to: - Ask and give personal information, use WH. question. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Review question words. - Vocabulary: Address. 3. Techniques: Repetition, question and answer. 4. Teachingaids: Handouts for survey, making acti. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Revision: 3/ Practice: 4/ Consolida: 5/ Homework: - Greetings. + What’s your name?/ middle name? How are you? How old are you? Where do you live? + Is Hoa a new student? + What’s her family name? middle name? where is she from? where does she live? What class is she in? Is she happy? Why or why not... * Activity 1 : B2 write, complete this di. Noughts and crosses Hueá 7A Phaïm Hoa With uncle 12 Ng Du 12 Ha Noi Thi B3: Ask your partner question and complete the form in test book Use your making survwey to write 6-8 sent. About your friend. - Read B4 at home. Do B1, B2 in work book. T: asks question about personal information. SS: answer Feedback – correction. Brainstorming T: ask S: answer Feedback and correction T: gives marks T asks S to use Wh – questions to complete. - Repetion drill - Pair work. Feedback – correction - Making survey - SS copy the form – work in group S1 – S2 – S3 ( S2 ask S1 about S3). Period 6: Tuesday, Sept 13th 04 Unit 1: BACH TO SCHOOL.(B3, B4) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be to ask/ ans about transportation and distances. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Review “How” for asking means of transport. How far for asking distances. - Bus – stop, means of transportation, far, distance. 3. Techniques: Pair work, picture drill, substitution drill. 4. Teachingaids: Cassette player, OHP, pictrues. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ F. Practice: 5/ Homework: - Greeting. Cross word – puzzle D T A X I B U S T R A I N B O A T P L A N E C A R B I K E * Activity 1: Listen and then practice with a partner - Pre- listening: predict – open dialogue + Pre – teach: Distance (n) far (a) How far? Ex: How far is it from your house to shool? - How ... ? By car/ bike/ taxi/ ...on foot Ex: How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. *Activity 2: B5 Ask and answer with a partner. Ex: How far is it ... from ... to ? It’s * Activity 3: B6 listen and write How far is it? Write the four distances. - pre - listening - while – listening From school to Lan’s house 300 meters From school to the movie theater: 3 kilometers From post office to the market 1 kilometer * Activity 4: B7 A survey Name: ....................... Address: ....................... Meansoft: ....................... Distance: ....................... Learn vocabulary and the models. Do exercise B3, B4, B5 in work book. Prepare Unit 2: Cardinal numbers. SS answer the questions. - How do they go to the ...? play a game. - Brainstorming. - Open – dialogue (OHP) SS complete the open d. SS listen to the tape and check their prediction (books are close). - Repetition drill. - Work in pair. Feedback and correction Model sentences Repetition drill. Picture drill. Substitution drill. - presentation picture. T: asks pre question Could you tell me Some places in the pic - Is Lan’s house near/ far her school. - Is the movie theater far/ near the post office. - Listen to the tape and write. Feedback – correction. Survey making work in pair and write. Period 7: Wednesday, Sept 14th 04 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION A1, A2, A3 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be to ask and give tel number, identify tel number. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Simple future tense. - Vocabulary: Call, will/ shall, double, teldirectory. 3. Techniques: Repetition, pair work, group work. 4. Teachingaids: Cassette player, handouts for survey making. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/Consolidation: 5/ Homework: - Greeting. Bingo (numbers 1 – 50) Keys: 11 0 36 8 9 45 27 35 4 * Activity 1: A1 / Read. - Model 3 numbers. Ex:8/ 211/ 800. (eight/ two double one/ eight double oh). Drill say the tel numbers of: * Activity 2: A2 / listen – write the tel numbers a/ 8251654 f/ 8821652 * Activity 3: A3 – listen. Open prediction. - Pre – teach: will, call, bouble, - Grammar: Future tense. - Elicit question to ask for tel.numbers. what’t your tel number? * Survey: Nam: Address: Tel number: - Learn Voc. And A3 by heart. - Do exercise a, b, c, in the work. - Prepare A4 + A6 at home. T: read numbers from 9 to 50 at random. SS: choose 9 numbers. Repetition drill. Pair work. SS: says the name. SS: says the number. Feedback – correction. SS listen to the tape, write. Feedback. Books are closed. Sspredict – then listen and check. - Repetion drill. - Pair work. - Rubout and remember. SS copy the form then ask their friends. Feedback – correction. Period 8: Wednesday, Sept 14th 04 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION A4, A5, A6 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to – make arrangements, talk aboutfuture plan and language for phoning. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Simple future tense. - Vocabulary: Sure, will/ shall. 3. Techniques: Brainstorming, pair work/ group work 4. Teachingaids: The cassette player, estra- board. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ pre-reading: 2/ While-read: 3/ Practice: 4/ Pre-listen: 5/ While – lis. 6/ Post- reading and listening: 5/ Homework: * Activity 1: A4 listen and read – answer the question. - Pre – questions: Who are they? What are they talking about? What will they do? What time will they meet? Where? * Open prediction: Who guess Answer What What time Where The future tense S + will + bare inf. Will + S + bare inf. Substition drill: Where will we meet? You How will you go? What time word are rdill. Where / meet? What time/ meet. In the street. 700 What/ see How/ go? A film by bike * Activity 2: Listen then write the answer - pre – question: What is the tel. number? What wiil they see? Where will they meet? Tel number 8545545 a/ They will see: a movie b/ They will meet at: Lan’s house. c/ They will go by: Bus. * Activity 3: A6 Read then answer vocabulary: to be in to be out, to be back, moment. Who’s calling? Can I speak to? - Learn vocabulary, the langue for phoning. - Rewrite the answer in to notebooks. - Do the exercises A1 2 3 in the work book. - Prepare B1, B2. - Review ordinal numbers. - review the names of the months. - Presentation picture. - Brainstorming? T: give pre – questions. SS: Answers. SS: listen 2 times and correct their prediction. T: introduce the lan for phoning. T: presents the F. tense Drill. Feedback – correction. SS: Where will you meet? What time will you go? Pair work Word cue drill. Feedback – correction. Brainstorming, eliciation SS: listen to te tape and write the answers. Questions- answers Feedback – correction. T: Introduces the way the language for phoning. Repetition drill Silent resding Pair work Questions and ans, Feedback- correction. Period 9 : Friday, Sept 16th 04 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION B1, B2, B3 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to – say and write ordinal numbers, the date and months. 2. Language content: - Grammar: - Vocabulary: Ordinal n. the name of the months. (1à 40) 3. Techniques: Questions and answers, bairnstorming pairwork. 4. Teachingaids: A cassette player, extra board. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Present: 3/ Practice: 4/ Remember: 5/ Homework: - Revision: The cardinaln. Game: counting. * Activity 1: B1 listen and read the Or. Numbers: one first (1sr) Twenty twentich (20th) Bingo game * Activity 2: B2 listen then write the date. - Pre – listening: 20/9 -While–listening:1/7–17/7 * Activity 3: B3 write the months. Matching:Angust thaùng10 Janrary thaùng 9 * Survey: S1: When’s your birthday? S2: July 1st Sept. 2nd/ Nov/ 20th/ Jure/1st. -Learn the Ord.numbers and the names of the months. - Prepare B4B5. SS: write the cardin. 1 à 20 and th O.number equivalent. - Repetion drill and look for the difference. Jumble words. Feedback and correct. The twentieth of Oct. Listen to the tape and write and read aloud. SS work in group Feedback – correction. SS: write the months Survey making. Pair work Teacher’s explanation The date: 21 – 8/1/10 T ask SS to tell some importance date of the year. Period 10: Monday, Sept 20th 04 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION B4, B5 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to – ask for and give telephone number, personal information. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Review question words; Simple Future. - Vocabulary: Date of birth, birthday, nervoues, worried, worry. 3. Techniques: Repetition, questions and answer, pair work, group work. 4. Teachingaids: Handouts for survey, acassette player. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ Homework: - Greeting. - Short dialogue. * Activity 1: B4 – listen – then practice with a partner. + Pre – listening: - Open prediction. Grid: Name\ Date of birth\ address\ Tel.n. - Pre – teach: Date of birth = birth day, nervous (a) worry (v0 worried (a). + While – listening: - Now answer. * Activity 2: - B5 read the dialogue again then complete the form. Student Registration form. Name? Date of birth? Address? Tel.numbers? + Post – listening: * About you (question and answer) Survey P.Inf S1 S2 S3 Name Address Date of birth Age Tel.number Living with - Learn Voc. In B4 by heart. - Rewrite the answer. T and SS ask about presonal, information T: gives marks. - Brainstorming. - Presentation picture. T: gives guiding questions + Can you guess what are M.T and Hoa talking about S1: Brainstorming, predectotte. S2: listen to the C. (2 times) check their pre, and fill the grid. - Questions and answers. - Pair work. - Feedback – correction. SS: read in silence and complete the form. (hanbouts). - Feedback and correction. Work in group of three. Feedback – correction. Period 11: Monday, Sept 20th 04 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION B6, B7, B8 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to write the invitation card to the birthday party, pre. infor. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Simple future tense. - Vocabulary: Party, to invite, finish, fun, join. 3. Techniques: Repetition, grid, question and answer. 4. Teachingaids: Pictures, extra – board, OHP. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ Homework: Name Distance Address Class Party Birthday Tel.n M.of trans Age * Activity 1: - B6 read and complete the card. - Pre – resding: Pre teach: to have a party; Join (v), invite (v)à invitation; fun (v). -While reading: - Post reading: * Activity 2: B7 think and write - Pre – writing: Guiding questions imagine you’ll be a guest at Lan’s birthday party. What will you do? - While – writing: Write the answers. - post – writing: * Activity 3: B8 write an invitation card to your birthday party. - Transformation writing. - Learn vocabulary. - Write an invitation card to your birthday party. - Prepare Unit 3 – A1A2. Nought and crosses SS play the game, make questions. - Presentation picture then make questions and answer. - Where does - When is her birthday? - When will the party st. and finish? + Rub out and remember. + Questions and answers. SS use the formation from the answers to complete the card. - Practising: use the simple present. - Work in group, discusing questions. Questions and answer drill. Write the answer on the board OHP. Feedback – correction. - Change “Lan” in to “you” to write a card. T: gives SS hardouts. SS write the card and exchange the card. SS: read aloud the card. - Feedback and correction. T: Gives marks. Period 12: Wednesday, Sept 22nd 04 Unit 3: AT HOME (A1) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to – deseribe rooms and homes, make a complaint and give a compli. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Exclaimations (What + N) structure: It has. - Vocabulary: Tub – shower – simk – convinient. 3. Techniques: Grid, repetition, pairwork, questions and answers. 4. Teachingaids: Extra – board, a cassette player, pivtures, OHP. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ Homework: Network: Dishwacher. Bathroom Kitchen House Bedroom livingroom - Pre – reading: Bathroom; auful (a) comfortable; lovely (a), rest (a), sink (n) tub (n) slove (n) bright (a) modern (a). - Exclamation (!). Ex: What a lovely home! What + a/an + adj + N. - Now answers. - Mapped dialogue. - About you. - Learn vocanulary by heart. - Practice the dialogue. - Prepare. SS play game in group. Feedback – correction. Howmany rooms are the in your house? What are they? What are there in the bath room? - Presentation picture. T: introduces the dia. Through pictures. What is it? What are there is it? - Repetition drill. - What and where, slap the board. - SS listen to the cassette player and practise. - Pair word. - Pisture drill. - Relia drill. SS answer the questions on page 30. - Question and answer drill. Feedback – correction. - SS work in pair question and answer drill. Period 13: Saturday, Sept 25th 04 Unit 3: AT HOME (A2) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to – Make complaints and give compliments. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Exclaimations. - Vocabulary: expemnsive, delicious, complaints, compliment. 3. Techniques: Repetotion, pairwork, picture drill. 4. Teachingaids: Picture, cassette player, OHP. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Pre-writing: 3/While-writing: 4/ Post-Writing: 4/ Homework: - Greeting. Network: House * Activity 1: A2 / write exchamations + Pre – teach: comfortable (a), cheap (a) expensive (a) delicious (a) boring; bright # dark (a) Model sentence. - What an expensive dress. - What + a/an + adj + N a/ Complaints. b/ Compliments Word – cue drill - Kitchen / amazing - Arm chair/ comfortable. - Living room/ bright. Picture – cue drill. * Example exchange: S1 the film is boring. The shoes are big. à What big shoes - Write 5 snetences (exclama) - Learn Voc. - Prepare A3 Review: There is/ are. The prep of position. T and SS ask and ans. About health. SS: play a game: Slap the board. - Presentation picture. - Repetition drill. - Rub out and remember. - Write down. - Repetition drill. SS use the words given to make exclamatory. SS read aloud and write. Repetition drill Work in pair. Word cue drill - Write down. - Pair work - Pair work. - Transformation drill. Write on your notebooks. Period 14: Saturday, Sept 25th 04 Unit 3: AT HOME (A3) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to – identify the positions of things, describe apartment. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Review the structure there is/ are and Is there/ are there, the position to describe what the things are in the picture. - Vocabulary: Review. 3. Techniques: Ask and answer, pairwork, eliciation. 4. Teachingaids: Picture, extra – board. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ Conslidation: 5/ Homework: A/ Activity 1: Word puzzle Keys: table, window, lamp, flowers. - Preparing key vocabulary (though pictures) armchair, table, T.V, tel. window. - Reviewing the pattern: There is/ there are; Is there/ are there ...? and the prep . of position (on under, nest to, near, behind). B/ Activity 2: Point and say There is/ there are some. C/ Activity 3: Ask – answer. - Is there ...? - Are there any ...? * Model: Where is the T.V? It’s near the window. Where are the picture? They’re on the wall. - Describe your living room with there is/ are and prepositioncy position. Prepare B1 à B3. T: hangs the extra – board and lead. SS choose abest word for each line (things in the living room). Repetition. T: hangs the open pic. and hand out the pic. of things (lamp, table) and asks SS stick pictures on the open picture. SS describe this living room using the pattern. There is/ are... Feedback – correction. Transformation drill. SS identify the position of things in the living room. T: describe the Then SS take notes then work in pairs. SS stick the things on the open picture, basing on T.’s description. Feedback – correction. T A B L E P I C T U R E T E L E V I S I O N W I N D O W T E L E P H O N E R E F R I G E R A T O R C H A I R F L O W E R B O O K S H E L F L A M P Period 15: Monday, Sept 27th 04 Unit 3: AT HOME (B1) 1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, SS will be able to – talk about occupayion. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Review question words, simple present tense. - Vocabulary: Rainse; take care of. 3. Techniques: Pair work, group work, Brandstorming. 4. Teachingaids: Handout for survey, OHP, making acti. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Presentation: 3/ Practice: 4/ Remember: 5/ Homework: - Greetings. Short dialogue A/ Activity 1: B1:listen then practise with a p. - Pre - teach raise (v) cattle (n) take care of = look after. - Revision. What + do/ does + S + do? Ex: What do you do? What does your mother do? S+be+ a/an + name of jobs Ex: He is a farmer Mapped Dialogue. Lan Hoa What...father do? Farmer Farm everyday grow/raise yes. - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Rewrite the answer. - Prepare B2. T: ask questions about family: I’m a teacher. I teach at school. - Where does your F.? - What does he do? Presentation pictures. - Brainstroming. T. guides making q. - Who are they in th.p - What are they doing? Where? - What are their Jobs? - What do they do every day? Is their work hard? - Listen to the tape. - Repelition drill. - Pair work. - Questions – answer. - T/ F drill. Feedback– correction. Pair work. Recall. Feedback– correction. Period 16: Monday, Sept 27th 04 Unit 3: AT HOME (B2 à B4) 1. Objectives: Talk about occupations. 2. Language content: - Grammar: Simple present tense. - Vocabulary: Jarrnalist. 3. Techniques: Grid, question and answer, transformation. 4. Teachingaids: OHP, cassette player. 5. Time: 45’. 6. Procedures: Step and time Contents Notes 1/ Warm up: 2/ Pre-reading: 3/Wh.-reading: 4/ Post reading: 5/ Pre-listening: 6/W.–listening: 7/Post listening: 8/ Homework: - Greeting Talk about Hoa’s family? - What does her father do? - Where does he work? - How about Hoa’s mother? Net work: Jobs * Activity 1: (B2) - Can you guess what their work are? - Grid – open prediction Who are they Where they work What they do Pre- teach: Journalist Take care of. Now practice with a partner. A/ Talk about Lan’s family. - What does her father do? - Where does he work? - What does he do in his job? B/ Talk about your family. Survey: Member Age Job Place of wor. Father Mother Sister Brother - Write it up - recoll * Activity 2: (B3) Match these hal

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