Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9, Lesson 5: Skills 1 - Năm học 2019-2020

II. Warm up:

Show a postcard to Ss.

Where was the postcard sent from?

Who sent the postcard?

Who was it sent to?

When was it written?

What was it written about?

III. New lesson:

1. Presentation:

* Vocabulary:

* Presentation reading:

2. Practice:

Ex 1: Before starting, discuss the features of postcards with Ss: photos on one side, short texts on the other side, can be sent without envelope, etc

Ask Ss to give the answers.

Exercise 2:

Have Ss look at the questions first. Ask them to underline the key words in the questions. Tell them these key words will help them to find the information more easily in the text. Have them read the postcard and answer the questions individually then compare the answer with each other before discussing them as a class. Encourage Ss to support their answer, especially numbers 6 to 8

Exercise 3:

Have Ss read the text again, this time to match the headings. Then call their attention to how a postcard is organized.


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Week 25 Period 73 UNIT 9 – CITIES OF THE WORLD SKILLS 1 Date of preparation: 9/2/2020 Date of teaching : /2/2020 A. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - to use some adjectives to describe some cities, people, buildings, structures and landmarks in the world. 2. Skills: practising and 4 skills. 3. Attitude: active and love for the subject. 4.Competence - Co- operation, Self-study - Creativeness, solving problem, using language, communication B.Preparation: - Teacher:Text book, workbook, teaching plan, projector. - Students: Text book, workbook . C. Procedure: I – Organization; Teacher's activities Ss' activities Content II. Warm up: Show a postcard to Ss. Where was the postcard sent from? Who sent the postcard? Who was it sent to? When was it written? What was it written about? 2 Ss answer the questions III. New lesson: 1. Presentation: * Vocabulary: * Presentation reading: Ss listen to the teacher, give answer, repeat and take notes * Vocabulary: - purpose (n) mục đích - perfect (a): hoàn hảo - amazing (a): đáng ngạc nhiên - design (v/n) thiết kế, bản thiết kế - discover (v) khám phá,phát hiện 2. Practice: Ex 1: Before starting, discuss the features of postcards with Ss: photos on one side, short texts on the other side, can be sent without envelope, etc Ask Ss to give the answers. Whole class Individual work -Key : 1. The photo is of Stockholm, Sweden. 2. The sender writes about his/ her stay in the city 3. We send postcards to tell our family and/ or friends that we are having a good time, but we still miss them and want to send some photos of the place where we are so that, although they can not be with us there they can still see how beautiful it is. Exercise 2: Have Ss look at the questions first. Ask them to underline the key words in the questions. Tell them these key words will help them to find the information more easily in the text. Have them read the postcard and answer the questions individually then compare the answer with each other before discussing them as a class. Encourage Ss to support their answer, especially numbers 6 to 8 Ss read the postcard, answer the questions individually then share the answers with a partner. Mai is in Stockholm. She is there with her family (Mum, dad and her brother Phuc) The weather has been perfect. It is sunny. Mai is staying in a hotel. She has visited the Royal Palace and had ‘fika’ in a café in the Old Town. ‘Fika’ (a Swedish word) mean a leisure break when one drinks tea/coffee and perhaps has some biscuits with friends or family. She will cycle to discover the city. Mai is feeling happy. She used the word such as: ‘fantastic’, ‘perfect’, ‘amazing’, ‘too beautiful for words’ Exercise 3: Have Ss read the text again, this time to match the headings. Then call their attention to how a postcard is organized. Ss do the matching 3 Ss give their answers in front of the class. 1. i 2. c 3. h 4. b 5. d 6. g 7. f 8. e 9. a Exercise 4: Speaking Ask Ss to read the questions and give the answers to these. When did you arrive? Who are you with? Where are you staying? What have you done? What are you doing tomorrow? How are you feeling? Read the questions. Take notes by answering the questions When did you arrive? Who are you with? Where are you staying? What have you done? What are you doing tomorrow? How are you feeling? Exercise 5: Ask Ss to use the notes in 4 to tell their partner about the city. Then listen and take notes about the city. T and other Ss give comments Tell about the city and take notes their friend’s city. Two or three Ss will read their notes in front of the class. V. Homework - Do exercises: in workbook. - Learn by heart new words - Prepare “SKILLS 2” Listen and take notes.

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