Bài giảng môn Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9, Lesson 5: Skills 1


E’ssential (adj): cần thiết

- ‘wreak havoc (V.ph): tàn phá
- de’structive (adj): phá hoại
- ‘guidelines (n): hướng dẫn
- e’mergency (n): trường hợp khẩn cấp

Destroy (v)

Destruction (n)

Destructive (adj)

2. Read the article and answer the questions

1. Why are natural disasters destructive ?

Because they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss of life or damage to property.

2. What are the first things to do to prepare for natural disasters ?

Learn about the risks in your area and read the information about natural disasters on local government sites.

3.What should you enter in your mobile phone ? Why ?

Enter all the emergency contact numbers in your mobile phone so you can call the rescue and emergency workers if necessary.

4. What items should an emergency supply kit include ?

Your emergency supply kit should include food, water,medication, personal hygiene items, copies of personal documents and some money.

5. What do you need to know in case of evacuation ?

We need to know the evacuation routes and shelters.

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•Unit 9: Natural DisasterP71- Skills 1 I. ReadingEx1: Read an article about how to prepare for a natural disaster. Look at the words in the box,then find them in the article and underline them. What do they mean? 1Ex1: Read an article about how to prepare for a natural disaster. Look at the words in the box,then find them in the article and underline them. What do they mean? E’ssential (adj): cần thiết- ‘wreak havoc (V.ph): tàn phá - de’structive (adj): phá hoại - ‘guidelines (n): hướng dẫn - e’mergency (n): trường hợp khẩn cấpDestroy (v)Destruction (n)Destructive (adj)Vocabulary:1. Why are natural disasters destructive ?Because they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss of life or damage to property.2. What are the first things to do to prepare for natural disasters ?Learn about the risks in your area and read the information about natural disasters on local government sites.3.What should you enter in your mobile phone ? Why ?Enter all the emergency contact numbers in your mobile phone so you can call the rescue and emergency workers if necessary.4. What items should an emergency supply kit include ?Your emergency supply kit should include food, water,medication, personal hygiene items, copies of personal documents and some money.5. What do you need to know in case of evacuation ?We need to know the evacuation routes and shelters.2. Read the article and answer the questions3a. Readthe news reports ( A-C) and match each one to the correct picture (1-3)Keys:1.C 2.B 3.ASPEAKINGEX:A.Did you watch the news last night ?B. No, I didn’t. What’s happened ?A.There was a powerful earthquake on Monday.B. That’s shocking! Where was it ?3.b. Work in pairs. Each pair can choose one of reports in 3a. Role play telling each about the news. Disasters Things to doBeforeDuringAfter4a. Make a list of things to do before, during and after each of the disasters in your area. EX:A.Did should you do to prepare for floods in your area?B. First. I’ll make sure I have a disaster plan...A. What should you do during a flood ?B. During a flood, I should try to get to higher ground as quickly as possible...4b. Discuss what you should do in the event of a natural disaster in your area.

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