Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 6, Lesson 2: Speak and Listen - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Thị Bích Hồng

Asking for favors

Can/ Could you help me, please?

Could you do me a favor?

I need a favor.

Can/ Could you ?

Responding to favors

Certainly/ Of course/ Sure.

No problem.

What can I do for you?

How can I help you?

I’m sorry. I’m really busy.

Offering assistance

May I help you ?

 Do you need any help?

Let me help you.

Responding to assistance

Yes. Thank you.

Yes. That’s very kind of you.

No. Thank you. I’m fine.

 No. Thank you.

Ex1: Match the dialogue with the suitable title

a)Mrs Ngoc: Could you do me a favor, please?

Hoa : Sure. What can I do for you?

Mrs Ngoc: Can you help me carry my bags? I’ve hurt my arm.

Hoa : Certainly. I’ll help you.

Mrs Ngoc: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.


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Welcome teachers to our classTeacher: Nguyen Thi Bich HongI. Revision : Guess the song through rhythm Nụ cườiHeal the worldTrái đất này là của chúng mình Tiếng chuông và ngọn cờUnit 6:THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUBPeriod 33 - Lesson 2: Speak & Listen ( P 55, 56 )1. Prediction: Filling in the gaps by using the words in the box.south, unite, out, peace, right , world (2), show, place, stand, north , love, ofChildren of the (8) ______hold hands.Let’s (9) _____ ourlove from (10) ______to place. Let’s shout (11) ______ loud,Let’s make a (12) ______ ,Oh, children of the (13)_________ hold hands.Children of our land(1)__________. Let’s sing for (2) ________.Let’s sing for (3) ________.Let’s sing for the (4)________ between (5) _____ and (6)_______,Oh, children (7) _____ourland, unite,1. Prediction: Filling in the gaps by using the words in the box.south, unite, out, peace, right , world (2), show, place, stand, north , love, ofChildren of the (8) ______hold hands.Let’s (9) _____ ourlove from (10) _________to place. Let’s shout (11) ______ loud,Let’s make a (12) ______ ,Oh, children of the (13)_________ hold hands.Children of our land(1)__________. Let’s sing for (2) ________.Let’s sing for (3) ________.Let’s sing for the (4)__________ between (5)_________and (6)_______,Oh, children (7) _____ourland, unite,unitepeacerightlovenorthsouthofworldshowplaceoutstandworldAsking for favorsResponding to favorsCan/ Could you help me, please?Could you do me a favor?I need a favor.Can/ Could you ?Certainly/ Of course/ Sure.No problem.What can I do for you?How can I help you?I’m sorry. I’m really busy.NamMomOffering assistanceResponding to assistance May I help you ?Let me help you. Do you need any help?Yes. Thank you.Yes. That’s very kind of you. No. Thank you. I’m fine. No. Thank you.PhongHoaAsking for favorsResponding to favorsOffering assistanceCan/ Could you help me, please?Could you do me a favor?I need a favor.Can/ Could you ? May I help you ?Let me help you. Do you need any help?Certainly/ Of course/ Sure.No problem.What can I do for you?How can I help you?I’m sorry. I’m really busy.Responding to assistanceYes. Thank you.Yes. That’s very kind of you. No. Thank you. I’m fine. No. Thank you.a)Mrs Ngoc: Could you do me a favor, please?Hoa : Sure. What can I do for you? Mrs Ngoc: Can you help me carry my bags? I’ve hurt my arm.Hoa : Certainly. I’ll help you.Mrs Ngoc: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.b)Receptionist: May I help you?Tourist : Yes. Can you show me the way to the nearest bank?Receptionist: Sure. Turn right when you get out of the hotel. Turn left at the first corner. It’s on your right. Tourist : Thank you very much.Asking for favorsOffering assitanceEx1: Match the dialogue with the suitable title 1. tourist/ needs to find a police station/ lost money1. tourist/ needs to find a police station/ lost money2. neighbor/ needs helps tidying yard/ has a broken leg1. tourist/ needs to find a police station/ lost money2. neighbor/ needs helps tidying yard/ has a broken leg3. friend/ needs help fixing her bike/ has a flat tire1. tourist/ needs to find a police station/ lost money2. neighbor/ needs helps tidying yard/ has a broken leg3. friend/ needs help fixing her bike/ has a flat tire4. aunt/ needs to buy some vegetables/ is busy cooking meal1. tourist/ needs to find a police station/ lost money2. neighbor/ needs helps tidying yard/ has a broken leg3. friend/ needs help fixing her bike/ has a flat tire4. aunt/ needs to buy some vegetables/ is busy cooking meal V. Homework Learn by heart the new words and practice writing 2 lines for each.Practice singing the song.Make 2 dialogues in your notebooks.

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