Giáo án tiếng anh 12 Lesson plan 7: being a welcome guest

[A]: AIMS:

 1.Educational Themes:

 -The lesson focuses on some customs of the American people.Thus, the students may behave properly in community.

 2.Training Skills:

 -The students are trained to develop their reading and writing skills.


 -Used to + inf v Be Used to + Gerund

 -British English v American English


 -Communicative Approach combined with Grammar Translation.


1.Checking Attendance.

 2.Oral Check-up.

 3.Presentaion of a new lesson:



1/*welcome [‘welk m](a) : received with pleasure (ñöôïc tieáp ñoùn noàng haäu)

 -You are always my welcome guest.

welcome (n /v)

 -They gave us a cordial welcome.

 -They welcomed us cordially.

2/*guest [gest] (n) :khaùch, khaùch môøi

3/*company (n) :a number of guests

 -I couldn’t go out for a movie with them because I had company that evening.

4/*formal [‘fo:ml] =/= informal


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LESSON PLAN 7: BEING A WELCOME GUEST [A]: AIMS: 1.Educational Themes: -The lesson focuses on some customs of the American people.Thus, the students may behave properly in community. 2.Training Skills: -The students are trained to develop their reading and writing skills. [B]: TEACHING POINTS: -Used to + inf v Be Used to + Gerund -British English v American English [C]: TEACHING METHODS: -Communicative Approach combined with Grammar Translation. [D]: PROCEDURES: 1.Checking Attendance. 2.Oral Check-up. 3.Presentaion of a new lesson: I.VOCABULARY: 1/*welcome [‘welk m](a) : received with pleasure (ñöôïc tieáp ñoùn noàng haäu) -You are always my welcome guest. àwelcome (n /v) -They gave us a cordial welcome. -They welcomed us cordially. 2/*guest [gest] (n) :khaùch, khaùch môøi 3/*company (n) :a number of guests -I couldn’t go out for a movie with them because I had company that evening. 4/*formal [‘fo:ml] =/= informal (trònh troïng) (thaân maät) 5/*get-together (n) : social reunion (cuoäc hoïp maët thaân maät) 6/*make a point of doing smth (idm) = do smth because one considers it necessary. (xem laø caàn thieát) -To master English, I make a point of having to practise it every day. 7/*relaxed [ri’l kst](a) = not feeling worried (khoâng aùi naùy ngaïi nguøng) 8/*male [meil] =/= female[‘fimeil] -male friends :nhöõng ngöôøi baïn nam -female friends:nhöõng ngöôøi baïn nöõ 9/*associate [ ‘sou i t](n) = partner, colleague (baïn ñoàng nghieäp) àbusiness associate: baïn laøm aên 10/*occasion [ ‘keizn](n):cô hoäi, dòp àbusiness occasion: cô hoäi kinh doanh 11/shake hands with smb (idm) = baét tay vôùi ai (shake , shook , shaken) 12/*be up to smb (idm) = be left to smb to decide (tuyø ai quyeát ñònh) 13/*dependent (a) =/= independent (leä thuoäc) (ñoäc laäp) -She leads an independent life. àdependence (n) =/= independence -Our people are now living in independence and freedom. -Independence Day: Ngaøy ñoäc laäp 14/*earn money : kieám tieàn -This poor boy earns his money by selling newspapers. *earn a living : kieám soáng -Most Vietnamese people earn their living by farming. 15/*help smb into / out of his coat : giuùp ai maëc hay côûi aùo khoaùc 16/light up a cigarette : ñoát thuoác 17/*smoker (n) =/= non-smoker àa heavy smoker : ngöôøi nghieän thuoác 18/*militant [‘militnt](a) = prepared to take aggressive actions.(quyeát lieät) -She becomes more militant about her husband’s arriving home so late frequenltly. 19/*for instance = for example 20/*establish [iks’t bli ]= set up, build àestablishment (n) 21/*section [‘sek n](n) = sector (khu vöïc) àsmoking section : khu vöïc daønh ñeå huùt thuoác. ànon-smoking section : khu vöïc caám huùt thuoác. 22/*host [houst](n) =/= hostess 23/*gesture [‘dzest ](n) = expressive movement of part of the body.(cöû chæ, ñieäu boä) -The boy made a friendly gesture to me. 24/offer [‘of ](v) = suggest, give -He offered to give me a hand. 25/*way = aspect, point (phöông dieän, khía caïnh) 26/go places = go from place to place (ñi ñoù ñi ñaây) II.GRAMMAR: (1)Used to v Be Used to: USED TO + Infinitive à (ñaõ töøng…) chæ moät thoùi quen ôû quaù khöù -My father used to smoke a lot; but now he doesn’t any more. -When I was a little boy, I used to swim in the river. BE USED TO + V-ing / Noun à (quen vôùi…) töông vôùi Be accustomed to -My mother is used to getting up early. -I have been used to the hot weather here. (2)British English v American English: *American English *British English *Meaning *automobile (motor) car xe hôi *bar pub quaùn röôïu *cab taxi xe taéc xi *can tin hoäp thieác *candy sweet keïo *closet cupboard tuû ñöïng thöùc aên *cookie biscuit baùnh bích quy *diaper nappy taû loùt treõ em *drugstore chemist’s nhaø thuoác *elevator lift thang maùy *eraser rubber cuïc goâm *flashlight torch ñeøn pin *gas / gasolin petrol xaêng *generator dynamo maùy phaùt ñieän *kerosene parafin daàu parafin *mail / mailbox post / postbox hoäp thö *mailman postman phaùt thö vieân *math maths toaùn hoïc *motor engine ñoäng cô, maùy *movie film phim *the movie the cinema chieáu boùng *one way single (ticket) veù moät löôït ñi *pants trousers quaàn taây daøi *pocket-book, purse handbag tuùi xaùch *railroad (car) railway(carriage) ñöôøng saét *raise rise (in salary) taêng löông *restroom public toilet phoøng veä sinh coâng coäng *round-trip return (ticket) veù khöù hoài *schedule timetable thôøi gian bieåu *sedan saloon xe hôi mui kín *shorts underpants quaàn ñuøi * sick ill beänh *sidewalk pavement leà ñöôøng *someplace some where nôi naøo ñoù *store shop cöûa haøng *thread cotton chæ, sôïi chæ *traffic roundabout buøng binh *trailer caravan xe rôø-mooïc *truck van ,lorry xe taûi *undershirt vest aùo loùt *wheat corn, wheat luùa mì *wreck crash (of a vehicle) (xe)laät *zipper zip phec-mô-tuya SPELLING *traveler traveller khaùch du lòch *leveling levelling *theater theatre nhaø haùt *center centre trung taâm *labor labour lao ñoäng *honor honour danh döï *dialog dialogue ñoái thoaïi *catalog catalogue saùch keâ haøng *realize realize, realise nhaän thöùc *analyze analyse phaân tích *check cheque ngaân phieáu *defense defence söï baûo veä *jail jail, gaol nhaø tuø *jewelry jewellry nöõ trang *offense offence söï xuùc phaïm *pajamas pyjamas quaàn aùo nguõ *plow plough caøy *practice practice thöïc haønh *program programme chöông trình *specialty speciality tính caùch ñaëc bieät III.COMPREHENSION : (1)True / False: a.Americans tend to be informal in get-togethers. [T] b.American men always shake hands when they meet. [F] c.An Americaan woman always shakes hands when she is introduced to a man. [F] d.Few American women live alone. [F] e.American women may ask men to dance. [T] f.You should always alcohol to a dinner. [F] g.There are sections in restaurants reserved for nonsmokers. [T] h.American men never cook meals in the kitchen. [F] (2)Answer the questions: When do American men shake hands? When don’t they? What are American women used to? Does a man or a woman usually ask his or her parner to dance? Do American women usually want to be protected? If you are invited to have dinner in an American home, what should you do before you light up a cigarette? What is the attitude of nonsmokers in public places? àa/They shake hands on business occasions or when they are introduced. They don’t shake hands when saying good-bye. b/…being independent, earning their own money, going places by themselves and living alone. c/Usually a man does. But sometimes a woman does. d/No, they don’t. e/We should ask for permission. f/They are more militant. 4.Re-inforcement: 5.Home Assignments: -Exercises on page 109-110 -Some more exercises A/Make sentences, using “USED TO”. 1/Tom / play tennis / a lot / any more. -Tom used to play tennis a lot; but now he doesn’t (play tennis) any more. 2/My sister / never / drink coffee / a lot. -My sister never used to drink coffee; but now she drinks a lot. 3/She / live / alone / her friends. -….. 4/Mr Brown / travel / a lot / any more. -…. 5/Alice / never / go out / every night. -…. 6/This boy / like / ice-cream / any more. -… 7/We / live / big city / small village. -…. 8/Mrs Brown / teach / the mornings / the evenings. -…. 9/Ann / enjoy / classical music / pop music. -…. 10/They /travel / by train / by plane. -… 11/My father / read / newspapers / magazines. -… B/Rewrite these sentences, using “BE USED TO”. 1/The British people drive on the left. -The British people are used to driving on the left. 2/My aunt lived a lone. -My aunt was used to living alone. 3/These children sleep on the floor. -… 4/John dances every night. -…. 5/Do you travel by plane? -…. 6/Mrs Lee wrote everything in Chinese. -… 7/Americam men shake hands when they meet each other. -… 8/My boss doesn’t smoke in his office. -…. 9/Tom invites his friends for dinner at the weekend. -… 10/Japanese men don’t shake hands to say good-bye. -… 11/Do American women ask their partners to dance? -…. 12/Jane came to Britain and she found it difficult to drive on the left. -….. C/Complete each sentence with “use” , “used to” or “be/get used to”. 1/I usually……a dictionary to find the meaning of difficult words. -I usually use a dictionary to find the meaning of difficult words. 2/We………….driving on the left because we have lived in Britain for ages. -We are used to driving on the left . 3/He ……… in the countryside. -He used to live in the countryside. 4/The European tourists……….…….hot weather. 5/I don’t know how…………this computer. 6/We have………….this old car for years. 7/Vietnamese teenagers……………being dependent on their parents. 8/I……………go on a picnic at weekends. 9/Bill………….his car to go to the office yesterday.(negative) 10/Tom and Mary………… each other on Sundays. 11/What did people………….pigeons for in the old days? 12/Why didn’t you…………English to speak with him? 13/Dick………..come back home late in the evenings. 14/We…………reading books in English. 15/They………..hard work. 16/I’ve been…………..this dictionary for many years now. 17/People in most of Canada………….English as their first language. 18/I…………visit my grandfather every week. 19/We…………..power failure. 20/What is the telescope…………for? 21/It took me a long time to………….wearing glasses. 22/My aunt……………smoke a lot; but now he doesn’t any more. 23/Money is…………for storing wealth. D/Rearrange the following sentences. 1/their / are used to / money / American women / own / earning. -American women are used to earning their own money. 2/your / Americans / smoke / if / hosts / houses / are / in / don’t / their. -… 3/daughter / is / met / nurse / the woman / we /a / last week /whose. -…. 4/used to / now / in / English conversations / are / these pupils / class ? -…. 5/me / the / call / use / office / he / not / personal / phone / tells / for / to. -…. 6/a lot of / there / who / smoke / are / American women / drink / and. -…. 7/you / hands / say hello / when / shake / a / Vietnamese / do / to / you? -…. 8/American / want / smoke / their / hosts / in / some / to / houses / don’t / you. -…. 9/invite / you / to / how often / your / do / guests / house? -….. 10/used to / house / a / be / there / near / market / my. -…… E/Supply the corect word form. 1/Violence is not the best…………to an argument.(solve) 2/Not long ago, I was ………….to a famous artist.(introduce) 3/Toys are necessary for the mental…………of children.(grow) 4/It is……….to have short hair nowadays.(fashion) 5/The……..of his wife was a great blow to him.(lose) 6/The planets of our……….systems are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.(sun) 7/Your rice field is more……………than ours.(produce) 8/An…………man has stolen all our money.(know) 9/In some places, the weather changes so quickly that it’s very…………….(predict) 10/They all passed their exams without the slightest……………(difficult) F/Choose the correct words from the list. *reserved *parners *introduced *guest *say *giving up *earning *conversation *get-together *traffic *smoke *light up *tell *gesture *quitted 1/Americans rarely shake hands…………hello or goodbye. 2/Do Vietnamese usually shake hands when they are………….to each other. 3/He is not interested in…………..more money. 4/As a …………, you should ask your host or hostess if there’s anything you can do to help. 5/There are sections in restaurants…………..for non-smokers. 6/When you are invited to have dinner in an American home, you should ask before you …………a cigarette. 7/Vietnamese women aren’t used to asking their…………to dance. 8/We have a little……….to celebrate Mr Brown’s promotion. 9/Never make a rude……………..with your friends because, in many cases, the ………is more important than helping. 10/My brother became fatter when he………….smoking. G/Supply the correct verb tense or form. 1/I (not think)________your brother (enjoy)_______the party. He (keep)_______ looking at his watch. –Oh, I’m sure he (enjoy)________it.He always(enjoy)________ your partites.I (know)_________he (want)________to be home early tonight because he (expect)_________an important phone call. 2/I (wish)______to apply for the post of clerk in the World Tours Travel Company. I (be)______18 years old and (attend)________ Greenhill College from 1984 to 1988. I (pass)_______my School Certificate in History, Geography, Science, Maths and Arabic. Then I (get)_____ a job as a junior typist in the New Asia Export Company. I (can speak)_____________a little English but I am much better at (read)_______ books and letters in English. I (know)________how (use)_______ a calculator and I am good at maths. I (be)_____able to get on well with different kinds of people and I (like)______hard work. I (look)_______forward to (hear)________from you soon. H/Read the passage and supply the missing prepositions. When you are……..a foreign country, don’t forget that your behaviour will be taken as typical of that……your native land. Study and respect local customs. Good manners are…….be appreciated everywhere, so don’t fail…….be polite. A real gentleman never forgets…….rise when a person speaks ……him. He will never remain seated when a person is standing. To whisper…….company is bad manners. What you wish……say cannot be said aloud. No matter where you are, loud laughter and talking are signs……bad manners.It is important that one should be punctual. Coming ……time is essential when keeping an appointment. To be pleasant company, be good listenerts. Don’t be indifferent and impatient when others are speaking. Interrupting others is a bad habit. To touch ……personal subjects …….general conversations is considered……be bad manners. Before lighting a cigarette, one should ask everyone present……..permission. *Make up questions and answer them. 1/What / we / not forget / when / foreign country? -….. -….. 2/Why / we / polite ? -…. -….. 3/What / we / do / polite? -…. -…..

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