Giáo án Tiếng anh 7 - Period 44



I. Objectives:

 1. Education aim:

 2. Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, students can:

  continue to talk about a concrete work of a farmer.

  revise the comparatives: fewer/more than

  develop their reading skill.

II. Language contents:

 1. Vocabulary: feed, grow, collect, crop, shed, coop, real

2. Grammar: Present simple

 Comparatives with “More / Fewer than ”

 3. Structures: He works more hours than Tim’s father.

III. Techniques: eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, true/false sentences, gap filling, brainstorming, story telling.

IV. Teaching aids: pictures for presentation, handouts for practice.

V. Time: 45 minutes


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Period: 44 Date: 13/12/2004 UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORLD LESSON 4: THE WORKER (B2) I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: 2. Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, students can: ˜ continue to talk about a concrete work of a farmer. ˜ revise the comparatives: fewer/more … than… ˜ develop their reading skill. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: feed, grow, collect, crop, shed, coop, real 2. Grammar: Present simple Comparatives with “More / Fewer … than…” 3. Structures: He works more hours than Tim’s father. III. Techniques: eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, true/false sentences, gap filling, brainstorming, story telling. IV. Teaching aids: pictures for presentation, handouts for practice. V. Time: 45 minutes VI. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm – up. ¯ Brainstorming - Ask students to talk about the work of a farmer. Suggested answers: + work in the fields + grow rice + raise cattle + plant trees + feed animals + work hard from morning till night. … Pre – reading. - Introduce the lesson - Elicit vocabulary a. feed animals (v) b. grow rice (v) c. collect the eggs (v) d. a buffalo shed (n) e. a chicken coop (n) f. crop (n) - Check vocabulary : Rub out and Remember While – reading. - Ask students to read the text to fill in the table. Time Mr.Tuan’s work a. 6 am b. After 6 am c. 9 am – 12 pm d.12 pm – 1 pm e. 4 pm f. After 4 pm g. 6 pm - start work. - have breakfast, feed animals, and collect eggs. - work in the fields with his brother. - rest and have lunch. - come back home. -feed animals again, clean the buffalo shed and the chicken coop. - finish his work. - Ask questions What does Mr.Tuan do at (6 am)? He (starts work) - Have students ask and answer the questions. - Have students read the text to do true/false sentences 1. He has a lot of animals. 2. He works in the fields with his wife. 3. He works in the fields fours hours a day 4. He has lunch at home 5. He has a day – off our or five times a year. 6. He has a lot of vacations - Have students give feedback 1.T , 2.F , 3.F , 4.F , 5.T , 6.F Post – reading. - Ask students to talk about Mr. Tuan’s daily work, begin with “Mr.Tuan is a farmer. He usually starts work at …. “ - Call on one or two students to write the story on the board. - Group works. - Listen to the teacher. - Listen and write. - Pair works. - Answer the questions. - Pair works. - Group works. - Give feedback - Group works. - Write on the board. Homework 1. Write the story about Mr.Tuan’s work. 2. Write a short paragraph about your father’s or mother’s work. Remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _________________________________________b"&"a_________________________________________

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