Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Chương trình học kì 2

A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a paragraph for details about the activities taking place in an emergency room.


1. Vocabulary: eye chart, wheelchair, stretcher, crutches, parademic, check one's eye sight, lean against

2. Grammar:

C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures, stereo

D. Procedure


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Unit 9 . a first - aid course * Division: 6 lessons I.Objectives By the end of the lesson , Ss wil be able to: Describe the character and particular trait (®Æc ®iÓm) Introduce people and how to answer when they are introduced. II.Contents Vocabulary: - Adjectives of character. seem, enough Grammar: Simple present Simple present to talk about general truths (Not) adi + enough to do smth III. Teaching aids Stereo Pictures, cards Small board lesson 1 Getting started – listen and read Period 55 Planning : 10/01/ 2007 A. Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know what they would do in the situations which require first - aid Content: Vocabulary: ambulance, emerency, concious, bleed Grammar: - Future simple, Modal Will C. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Warm up *Kim’ s game. Key: 1, Emergency room 2, Sterile dressing 3, medicated oil 4, ice 5, water pack 6, alcohol - A girl has a burn on her arm, we should use the ice to ease the pain - II/ New lesson 1, Pre - Reading a, Vocabulary Ambulance (n) Concious (Adj) >< unconcious Bleed (v) Receive( v) *Slap the board: 2, Gap - fill There was an emergency at Lan’ s school. A student __(1)__off her bike and hit her head on the road. She was __(2)__, but she cut her head and the __(3)__ was __(4)__badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai hospital and asked a nurse to send an __(5)__ to Quang Trung school. Lan was asked to keep te student __(6)__ while waiting for the anbulance. 2, While - Reading *Answer: 1. fell 2. concious 3. cut 4. bleeding 5. ambulance 6. awake * Select the topic: A, B, C, E, F 3, Post - Reading * Role play 4, Sum up - 5,Homework. Write it up. Ex 1,2 ( p5) 6, Marks and Remarks - T. asks Ss to open the books and look at the things P.80 (for 20’’) - Ss work in Two groups - Ss write them on the board - T. introduces the topic and presents the vocabulary - T. takes notes on the board . Then asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 10. - Checking - Write the new word over the board. And call two Ss to slap the board - T. hangs the chart with the paragraph on the board - Ask Ss to predict the words in the gaps. - T. plays tape and asks Ss to listen and check their prediction - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue. - Ss write the answer - Have Ss in turning play the roles to demonstrate from the dialogue - T. calls on some pairs to read in front of the class. Unit 9 . a first - aid course Period 56 lesson 2 speak + Language 2,3,4 Planning day:10/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the leson, Ss will be able to make and respond to requests, offers anf promises B. Content: Vocabulary: to make arequest, to make an offer, to make a promise Grammar: C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson - 2 Ss practice the dialogue before the class II/ Warm up *Revision: Network situations which require first- aid have a snake bite III/ New lesson 1, Pre – Speaqking * Questions: 1. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say? 2. I'd like you to come to my party. How can I say? 3. I tell my mother that I'll surely finish my work before bedtime. How can I say? * Concept chÑcking: 1. To make a raquest : Will/ could/ can + you (please) + V..? * Respones: + Sure/ Ok/ All right - I'm sorry I can't / I'm afraid not 2. To make an offer: Will/ won't you / shall I/ Can I + V ? Would you like + to V? What can I do/get for you? * Respones + Yes, please / That would be nice - No, thank you 3. To make a promise I promise I'll/ I won't + V? I will..I promise I promise to. * Respones : + I hope so/ Good/ I'm glad/ don't forget 2, While - Speaking * Matching : a. The girl has a cau on her hand b The girl has a bad fever c. The boy has just broken the vase d. The boy has a headache e. The boy has a snake bite * Picture drill: Identtify the situations in the pictures: Picture a: request -------- b: offer/ request -------- c: offer/request -------- d: offer -------- e: promise * Open pairs : * Closed pairs: 3, Post - Speaking * Language focus : 2,3,4 Ex 2: repeattition drill : will, shall or won't Key: 1. Will 2. will 3. won't 4. shall 5. will 6. will Ex 3: Role play 4, Sum up - Make request, offer, promiss 5, Homework. - Do ex 4 in the workbook 6, Marks and Remarks Ss: * Possible answers - have a nose bleed - have a burn - have a cut - have a bee sting - T. Asks some qs - Ss Answer the Qs 1. Will you please get me a bandage? 2. Would you like to come to my party? 3. I promise I'll finish my homework before bedtime? - T: gets Ss to work out the rules for themselves by asking qs - after formulating the modd sentences, elicit some more phrases with the same use from Ss. - Ss work in pairs, listen , review + copy - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements - Ss work in pairs - T calls on some pairs Key: 1 - a ; 2 - d ; 3 - e; 4 - b; 5 - c - T. asks Ss to work individually - Ss deamonstrate the exchanges picture b with the teacher , then listen and repeat. - T. gets 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate the exchanges of the rest (c, d, e) - T. gets Ss in turns to practice all the exchanges (a- e). Then monitor, correct, encourage Ss to make sentences for themselves. Ss: work in closed and open pairs - T. asks Ss to listen to to the dialogue and repeat if they think the sent is right and keep silently if the sent is wrong - Ss read the dialogue aloud, sentence by sentence - T. asks Ss to look at the pictures and dialogues on page 87, 88 and fill the gaps with the right words - Ss work in pairs - T. monitors and corrects Unit 9 . a first - aid course Period 57 lesson 3 Listen Planning day:11/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a paragraph for details about the activities taking place in an emergency room. B.Content: 1. Vocabulary: eye chart, wheelchair, stretcher, crutches, parademic, check one's eye sight, lean against 2. Grammar: C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures, stereo D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson Tell the story. Do exercises. II/ Warm up * Game: Network. III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Listening * Vocabulary - eye chart (n) (picture) - stretcher (n) (picture) - crutcher (n) (---------) - scale (n) (-------------) - wheelchair ( n) (---------) - parademic (n)(------------) * Matching ( Ex -P 82 ) Key: A: ambulance D. eye chart B. wheelchair E. scale C. crutches F. stretcher 2, While- Listening * Order prediction * True /false statements a. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room. b. The patient’s head is bandaged c. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient sitting on it. d. The eye chart consists of 28 letters arranging in the different size e. The baby’s mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby. Key: a. F -> ( a paradic not a doctor) b. True c. F -> (empty wheelchair not with a patient) d. T e. F -> (stop her baby from crying) 3, Post - Reading * Write it up: Beginning with : " This is emergency room in a large hospital..." 4, Sum up - 5, Homework. - Do ex 2,3 in the workbook - Write the story 6, Marks and Remarks - Call on some Ss to do - Ss play in two groups (5 mins) - T. uses some pictures and introduces new words - Ss look at the pictures, listen and guess the meaning of the words. Then copy - T. asks some Qs with what or where Eg: where is the scale? - The scale is - T. asks Ss to listen to a talk describing the pictures. Match the letter A, B, C, D or E to the correct words in the box . - Ss work in groups - T. asks Ss to rub out the letter (A, B) but leave the words. - Ask Ss to listen to a paragraph about the ativities taking place in an emergency room which contains the words on the board - Ss copy the table and guess the order of the words - T. plays the tape (3 times) and asks Ss to listen - Ss give their answers - T. corrects by play the tape once sentence by sentence. - T. asks Ss to read the statements carefully and check if they understand the meaning of the statements . and asks Ss to work in pairs to decide which of the sentences is true and which is false - Ss listen to the tape twice - T. asks Ss listen to the tape once again sentence by sentence - Ss write individually - write the story about the activities in the picture , using the present continuos tense Unit 9 . a first - aid course Period 58 lesson 4 read + language focus 1 Planning day:11/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “in order to” and “so as to” to indicate purposes and understand the content of the text. B. Content: 1. Vocabulary: lye flat, elevate, victim, overheat, tissue damage, ease 2. Grammar: so as to/ in order to + V C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures, cards D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson * Correct form 1. Would you mind (lend) me some money? 2. I promise I (not do) that again. 3. Wold you mind if I (close) the door? 4. Can I (get) you some water? II/ Warm up *Suggesed words: Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock - Bingo: III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Reading * Ddraw the network with some examples on the board. First -aid? fainting Burn (cool the burn with ice) shock * Vocabulary - lie flat (v) - elevate (v) # lower (v) - victim (n) a person who needs first-aid - overheat (v) ( make smth too hot) - minimize (v) - tissue damage 2, While - Reading * Matching Key: A ( a,c,e); B: b ; C:d * Grid * Form: So as to/ in order to + V (®Ó.) 3, Post - Reading * Wh - Qs and answer drill: 1. Why/ you/ open/ umbrella? (Past simple) - to protect myself from the rain (Full answer) 2. Why/ Mary/ write /notice board? (Past simple) - to infrom / classmates / the changes in schedule 3. Why/ Mrs green / have toget up early in the morning? - to go / work on time 4. why/ your sister/ study very hard? - to pass the entrance exam * Ex 1 . Language focus Key: 1 - f; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4 - e; 5 - a; 6 - d 4, Sum up - Grammar: so as to/ in order to + V 5, Homework. - Do ex 2,3 in the workbook 6, Marks and Remarks 1. lending 2. won't do 3. closed 4. get Ss: whole class T: asks Ss to give nouns for emergency which requires first-aid and write them on the board - have Ss choose any 4 words on the borad and write them down on a piece of paper. - Call out the words until some one has ticked all the four words and shouts" Bingo !" - Ss work individually. - T asks Ss to think of what to do in these emergency cases - Ss play network to think of what to do - T. collects and writes the Ss’ ideas on the board -T. asks Ss to open their books and read the instructions on page 83 - Ss listen , repeat and then copy - T. asks Ss to read the staements on page 84 and match three leadings A, B, C to them. - Ss work in pairs - T checks and then corrects - T. draws a grid on the board . Asks Ss to read the instructions again and fill in the information - Ss work in pairs - T. calls on some pairs to write their answers - T. asks Ss some qs: + why should you/ we cool the burn immediately ? + We should do it so as to minimize the tissue damage - Ss listen and give the form - T. asks Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer - Ss work in pairs then write down 1. Why did you open your umbrella? - I opened the umbrella in order to protect myself from the rain. 2. - Ss work in groups - T. gives correct answer Unit 9 . a first - aid course Period 59 lesson 5 Write Planning day:12/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a thank - you note. B.Content: 1. Vocabulary: thank smb for sth, to cheer smb up, come over 2. Grammar: simple future C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures, cards D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson - Read your letter aloud II/ Warm up * Complete sentences: Using "to do" or "for doing smth" Eg:S1: I go to HN S2: to visit Hoan Kiem lake S3: for visiting my aunt, Hoa III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Writing * Vocabulary - to thank smb for smth eg: She thanked me for helping her - to cheer smb up (v) to make Smb happier - come over (v) * True /false 1. Nga wrote to thank Hoa for some candy 2. Hoa's gift cheered Nga up 3. Nga'd like Hoa to see her at the hospital 4. Nga is very bored at home 5. Nga wrote the letter at the hospital 2, While - Writing * Questions (on page 85) on small board 1. What did your friends give/ send you? - She/ He gave/ sent me flowers. 2. On what occasion? - on my birthday 3, Post - Writing * Write a letter Dear 4, Sum up - Format of the letter 5, Homework. - Do ex 4,5 in the workbook V. Marks and Remarks - Ss read their letters ( 2) - Ss work in two groups - T: (sets the scence) Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital . After she left the hospital , she wrote a thank you - note to Hoa. Why and what did she write? - Ss listen and answer the question. Then complete the letter on page 84 in pairs 1.was 2. were 3.helped 4. came 5. am 6. 'll telephone - T. asks Ss to guess, then let them read the letter - Ss guess , then read the completed letter individually - T. gives the correct answers 1. F 3.F 4.T 2. T 5.F - T. tells Ss they are going to write a thank - you note to a friend and invite him/ her to go on a picnic with them. - Ss answer the Qs orally (miÖng) in pairs - T. calls on some pairs. Then correct if nessesery. - Ss write the letter in the notebook - Ss work individually to write their won letter. Unit 9 . a first - aid course Period 60 lesson 6 language focus Planning day:13/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to review future simple B.Content: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar: future simple, "will" with requests C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures, cards D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson - Read your letters aloud II/ Warm up III/ New lesson Act 1: Future simple tense * Form and use + S + will/ shall + V.. Ex 2: Use the correct form of "will" and "shall" Key: 1.will 4.shall 2. will 5. will 3.won't 6. will * To make requests will/ would you (please) + V? can/ could - Respones: Sure/ Ok/ All right I'm sorry I can't/ I'm afraid not * To make an offer - will/won't you + V? - Shall I + V.? - Can I + V.? ( Won't you + V?: ®Ó ®­a ra lêi yªu cÇu khÈn thiÕt hoÆc lêi nãi yªu cÇu) - Respones: Yes, please/ That would be nice No, thank you * To make a promise I pomise I'll.. I willI promise I promise to . - Respones: I hope so Good/I'm glad Don't forget Ex 3: Complete the dialogues by using "will" Key: a. will you give it .. b. will you answer the telephone , please? d. will you turn on the Tv? e. will you pour a glass of water? f. will you get me a cushion Ex4: a. will you empty the garbage can , please? b. will you paint the door , please? d. will you study harder ? e. Shall I carry the basket? IV/ Sum up - Structure: V/ Homework. - Have a look at getting started and listen and read of Unit 10 IV. Marks and Remarks - Ss: (1 or 2) do the task - T. asks Ss to tell the form and the use of future simple - Ss tell the form and make sentences - Ss work in pairs - T. gives feedback - Ss pracise the completed dialogue in pairs - T. asks - Ss tell the form and the use - T. asks Ss to practise in pairs - Ss practise in pairs - Ss work in pairs asking and answering - T. corrects pronunciation - I will do it right now - Ok , I'll paint it tomorrow - I promise I'll try mybest - Yes, please Unit 10 . recycling * Division: 6 lessons A.Objectives By the end of the lesson , Ss wil be able to: Give request (formal and informal) Relate some past or present happenings. Write a set of instructions B.Contents 1. Vocabulary: - ed and - ing participle 2. Grammar: Do you mind .. C. Teaching aids Stereo Pictures, cards Small board D. Procedure Period 61 lesson 1 Getting started – listen and read Planning day:17/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do Smth to protect the environment and save natural resources B. Contents: 1. Vocabulary: representative, protect, natural resources, recycle, contact 2. Grammar: - Adj + to +V C. Procedure Contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson II/ Warm up * Brainstorming Reuse plastic bags III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Reading * Vocabulary - representative (n) §¹i diÖn - recycle (v) - reduce (v) - reuse (v) - overpackage (v) - packaging (n) *Jumble words tconatc - * True/ false: a. Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other b. Miss Blake asks Ss to remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle c. Reduce means buying the products which are overpackaged d. We can not reuse things likes envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old paper e. Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them. 2, While - Reading * True/ false: a. F d. F b. T e. T c. F f. T * Questions ( P.89) Answer key: a. reduce means not buying products which are overpacked b. We can reuse things like envelopes , glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags. c. Recycle means not just throwing things away . try and find another use for them. d. We can look for information on recycling things by having contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or asking your family and friends. e. Ss' answer 3, Post - Reading * Discussion : - Write the topic on the board " How to protect our environment" 4, Sum up - How to reuse, redure and recycle 5, Homework. - Learn by heart new words - read and translate the dialoue into Vietnamese 6, Marks and Remarks - T. asks Ss to play in four groups - Ss work in 4 groups (use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things, make garbage into fertilizer..) - Ss listen to the teacher and copy new words , then repeat them - Ss guess before reading. Then read the text silently - Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are T/F T: asks Ss to look at the Qs on page 90 in pairs Ss: read the text individually and do the task - Ask Ss to read the text and check T/ F statements - Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the questions. - Call on some pairs to pratice. - T. asks Ss to express their opinions/ideas on this topic - Ss write their ideas Unit 10 . recycling Period 62 lesson 2 speak Planning day:18/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice more about giving and responding to instructions. B.Contents: 1. Vocabulary: fertilizer, compost, farbric, leather 2. Grammar: C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson - 2 Ss practice the dialogue before the class. - Do exercises II/ Warm up * Kim’s game: * Possible answers - used paper, old newspaper, books, boxes, bottles, glasses , jars, plastic bags III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Speaking *Vocabulary: Fertilizer (n) ph©n bãn Compost (n) ph©n xanh, h÷u c¬ Faric (n) hµng v¶i sîi Leather (n) hµng da *What and Where: * Arrange the words or phrases into the right column Groups Paper paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard boxes Glass bottles, glasses , jars Plastic plastic bags, plastic bottles. Metal food cans, drinking cans, tins. Fabric clothes, pieces of materials Leather shoes, sandals, schoolbags Vegetable fruit peels, vegetables 2, While – Speaking *Mapped dialogue: 3, Post - Speaking * Pre - Practice 4, Sum up - How to recycle things 5, Homework. - Do exercises. 6, Marks and Remarks - Ss do the task in pairs - T. shows the picture to the Ss and asks them to observe it carefully, - let them look at the picture for about 20 seconds then put it away . - Devides the class into 2 teams and asks them to go to the board and write as many words as many words showing things in the picture as possible - T. presents the vocabulary. Checking T: You have named the items in the picture, now you work in pairs and decide which group each item belongs to (Paper, glass, plastic, metal, vegetable matter, fabric, leather) Ss: work in pairs to do he task by using some Qs: 1. Which group do clothes belong to? 2. What can we do with those clothes? - T. puts the mapped dialogue on the board - Ask Ss to practice exchange in pairs. - Then replacing the informations with the words in the dictation list. - Ss have free practice about “3 – RE” Unit 10 . recycling Period 63 lesson 3 Listen Planning day:20/01/2007 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information about making compost. B.Contents: 1. Vocabulary: grain, shade, moisture, condensation 2. Grammar: C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, , casette, pictures D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson - 2 Ss practice the dialogue before the class. - Do exercises II/ Warm up * Chatting: - What can we do with “Vegetable matter”? - How can we make compost? - . . . . III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Speaking a, Vocabulary: Grain (n) h¹t Shade (n) bãng d©m Moisture (n) h¬i Èm Condensation (n) sù ng­ng tô *Rub out and remember: b, Grid: Questions Compost What type of garbage ? Where ? How long ? 2, While – Speaking * Grid: Questions Compost Vegetable matter In the garden 6 months Key: a) A – All vegetable matter b) B – A place get no sun and shade c) A - No d) B – Six months 3, Post - Listening * Questions: a. Why don’t we use any meat or grain to make compost ? b. Why don’t we turn the compost regularly ? c. Does the compost need moisture ? 4, Sum up - How to make compost V.Homework. - Write the way to make compost V. Marks and Remarks - Ss do the task in pairs - T. asks some questions. - Ss answer. - T. presents the vocabulary. - Ss practice. - Checking - Ask Ss to work in groups - Complete the grid, filling the informations - T: you are going to listen to an expert talking about the way to make compost. First, you look at the questions and have a guess of the information in the tape - Ss guess, then listen to the tape twice. then compare the answer with the other - Ss listen again and answer the questions - Call them to give out. - T. give some questions. - Ss Unit 10 . recycling Period 64 lesson 3 Read Planning day: 21/01/2006 A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to form the Passive in Present simple, by reading the details B.Content: 1. Vocabulary: tire, pipe, deposit, refill, melt 2. Grammar: present simple in passive C. Teaching aids : Ss’ books, small boards, pictures, cards D. Procedure contents Teacher’s and Ss’ activites I/ Checking the old lesson Write the way to make compost. Do exercises II/ Warm up *Wordsquare: III/ New lesson 1, Pre - Reading * Vocabulary - pipe (n) èng n­íc - floor covering (n) Th¶m tr¶i nhµ - milkman (n) - refill (v) §æ ®Çy l¹i - industry (n) - glassware (n) - law (n) - deposit (n) TiÒn ®Æt cäc - return (v) - dung (n) Ph©n * Rub out and remember * Pre – Questions: 1. What do you often do with used things? ( car tires, milk bottles, glass) 2. What can they make from them? * Make a list of recycling facts Used things Recycling facts 1. Car tires 2. milk bottles 3. Glass 4. Drink cans 5. House hold * Present simple in passive eg: - Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled - Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware. Form: S + am/is/are + V- ed (II) 2, While - Reading * Grid: 1. are recycle to make pipes and floor recoverings. 2. are cleaned and refilled is broken up, melted and made into new glassware. are brought back for recycling is made into compost. * Questions (Page 93 ) Answer key: a. clean them and refill them with milk b. The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware c. Made a new law. There must be a deposit on all drink cans d. is made from household and garden waste. 3, Post - Reading * Exercise 1 (P.95): Complete the recycling instructions use the verbs given: - dip, blow, wash, mix, dry, break, use, melt First, (1)_ the glass into small pieces. Then (2) the glass with a detergent liquid. Next (3)_ the glass pieces completely, _(4)_ them with a certain specific chemicals. After that (5)_ the mixture antil it becomes a liquid . Finally, _(6)_ a long pipe , _(7)_ it into the liquid, then _(8)_ the l

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