Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 7 - Unit 1: My Hobbies - Năm học 2019-2020 - Nguyễn Thị Hiền

- Teacher elicits the words from students.

- Read and ask Ss to repeat

- Call some Ss to check

- Correct Ss’ pronunciation mistakes

* Checking: Rub out and remember

* Set the scene

- T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 8 and answer these questions:

Can you guess who they are ?

Where are they?

What can you see on the shelf?

- T writes the answer quickly on the board .

- T introduces Elena -Nick's sister

- T plays the recording

- Go through the sentences

- T asks Ss to work individually to find out which sentences are true/ false

-Ask Ss to share their answers

- Give feedback

-Go through the questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions

- Call on some pairs to practice

- Call two Ss to write the answer on the boards

- Give feedback

- Help Ss remind the usage and form of “Present simple tense” and “Future simple tense”

- Elicit the structure from the dialogue: “I like collecting glass bottles”


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 7 - Unit 1: My Hobbies - Năm học 2019-2020 - Nguyễn Thị Hiền, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
WEEK 1: Date of preparation : 12/8/2019 Date of teaching : PERIOD 2 : UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED I. Objectives By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to extend and practice vocabulary and some structures related to hobbies - Knowledge: Present simple tense , V-ing (gerund) and vocabulary about the topic - Skill: Listen and read a conversation about hobbies in details - Attitude: Be confident to express their own hobbies II. Teaching aids Ss’ books, text books,computer and projector. III. Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm up: (5ms) Brainstorming - T write the words hobbies on the board and divides the class into two groups. The two groups use the different chalk -Ask students in each groups take turn to write their hobbies - The group with more and correct words is the winner - Introduce the new lesson HOBIESBIES reading II. Presentation New words -unusual / ʌn’ju:ʒuәl/ (adj): khác thường - a piece of cake / ә pi:s әv keik/ (idom) : dễ - skate /skeit/ (v) : trượt pa tanh -arrange / ә’reinʤ/ (v) : sắp xếp -board game /b ɔ:d geim/ (n) trò chơi trên bàn cờ 2.Listen and read a. True or false statements b.Answer the questions 3. Model sentences 1- Review “Present simple tense” and “Future simple tense” 2- Verb of liking + V-ing - Teacher elicits the words from students. - Read and ask Ss to repeat - Call some Ss to check - Correct Ss’ pronunciation mistakes * Checking: Rub out and remember * Set the scene - T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 8 and answer these questions: Can you guess who they are ? Where are they? What can you see on the shelf? - T writes the answer quickly on the board . - T introduces Elena -Nick's sister - T plays the recording - Go through the sentences - T asks Ss to work individually to find out which sentences are true/ false -Ask Ss to share their answers - Give feedback -Go through the questions - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - Call on some pairs to practice - Call two Ss to write the answer on the boards - Give feedback - Help Ss remind the usage and form of “Present simple tense” and “Future simple tense” - Elicit the structure from the dialogue: “I like collecting glass bottles” - Try to guess the meaning of the new words - Listen to the T and repeat - Write down - Do as directed - Answer the questions by guessing - Listen and read then check the guessing Key: - They are Nick, Elena and Mi -They are at Nick and Elena's house - There are a lot of dolls on the shelf Key: 1.T They go upstairs to her room . 2.T 3. F Mi's hobby is collecting glass bottles 4.F Her parents , aunt and uncle 5.T Key: 1. She receives dolls on special occasions 2. No, they aren't 3.She keeps them after using them 4. No, she doesn't 5. No, she hasn't III. Practice 1. Listen and repeat 2. Matching 3. Complete the table Play the recording and let them practice - Have Ss work in pairs to match the words/phrases from 2 with the picture - Let them compare their answer with a partner - Get feedback and confirm the correct answer - Ask Ss to work in groups to complete the table - Give feedback - Answer T’s questions - Listen to the tape and repeat - Work individually - Work in pairs to discuss Key: 1. playing boarding games 2. taking photos 3. bird-watching 4.cycling 5.playing the guitar 6. gardening 8. arranging flowers 9. skating Key: Cheap hobbies: gardening, bird- watching, collects bottles.... Expensive hobbies : Taking photos, playing the guitar, arranging flowers Easy hobbies: gardening, collecting bottles , playing board games s Difficult hobbies : playing the guitar, cooking, arranging flowers, skating..... IV. Production 5. Game : FIND SOMEONE WHO IV. Production 5. Game : FIND SOMEONE WHO - Ask Ss how to complete the table, using " Do you like ..?" - Take part in the game to complete the table V. Consolidation Recall about hobbies -Listen and remember VI. Homework - Explain the tasks for Ss - Learn by heart all the new words and structures. - Guide Ss how to do Ex B2,3 P5 -Prepare: A closer look 1. - Write down and take notes Feedback: WEEK 1: Date of preparation : 12/8/2019 Date of teaching PERIOD 3 UNIT 1. MY HOBBIES LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1 I. Objectives By the end of lesson, Ss will be able topractice vocabulary related to hobbies how to pronounce the sounds / ə / and / ɜ: /  - Knowledge: vocabulary related to hobbies and key to hobbies, sounds / ə / and /ɜ:/  - Skill: writing, speaking and listening skills - Attitude: develop social skill through some activities that ss like to do II. Teaching aids Ss’ books, text books, posters, computer and projector. III. Procedures Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm up (3 ms) Guessing hobbies from gesture - T calls one student goes to the board and uses gesture to express his/her hobby. -Other students guess what hobby is - The student with the correct guessing goes to the board to express his/her hobby - Introduce the new lesson - Take part in the game II. Vocabulary (20’) 1. Pre teach new words - horse –riding /h ɔ:s raidiŋ/ (n): môn cưỡi ngựa - gymnastic / ʤim’nӕstik/ (n): môn thể dục -melody /’melәdi/ (n): giai điệu 2. Matching Key: 1-i,d,e 2-g 3-b,c,j 4-f,h 5-c 6-a 3. Fill in the blank in the sentences 4. Write down key words 5. Game : THE KEYS TO MY HOBBY! - Elicit the meaning of each word - Read and ask Ss to repeat - Call the Ss to check and correct their mistakes - Check vocabulary : What and where - Have Ss read the action verbs in column A and match them with suitable words/phrases in column B. - A verb can go with more than one word/phrase. - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Give feedback -Confirm the correct answers -Have Ss read the action verbs in column A and match them with the suitable words/ phrases in column B. - Have Ss read all the sentences carefully to make sure they understand the sentences. - Ask Ss to work in pairsto do this activity. - Call 2 students to write their answers on the board - Give feedback -Confirm the correct answers ? What is a keyword - T models the way to locate keywords for " listening to music" - Ask Ss to work in group of 4 Ss to do this activity - Call on students in different groups to write the answers on the board - Give feedback -Confirm the correct answers - Ask Ss to work in group. - Each student thinks of a hobby and says keywords out loud. - The others try toguess what the hobby is by asking him/her questions : Is it? - The group with the most points is the winner. - Listen to the T - Try to guess the meaning of these words - Read in choral and then individual - Do as directed - Ss work in pairs to compare their answers before giving teacher the answers. - Work in pairs , fill in each blank in the sentences with one hobby or one action verb from the box Key : 1. swimming. swim 2. listen, listening to music 3.plant. gardening 4.catch. fishing 5 painting, paints - A keyword helps us understand a text quickly. - Work in groups of 4 Ss to write down keywords -Ss work in group to play the guessing game. Eg: A: water, grow, flowers, vegetables B: Is it gardening? A: Yes, it is. III. Pronunciation (10’) 1. Listen and tick the words you hear. Repeat the words 2. Listen then put the words in the correct column 3. Listen to the sentences and tick / ə / and / ɜ: /  - Have some Ss read out the words first - Play the recording - Give feedback - Confirm the correct answers - T explains how to pronounce the sound / ə / and / ɜ: /  Nguyên âm / ə / khi phát âm, lưỡi hơi đẩy lên trên và hướng ra phía trước, là nguyên âm rất ngắn. Nguyên âm / ɜ: / là nguyên âm dài, và khi phát âm lưỡi ở vị trí thấp và miệng mở vừa. - Ask Ss to listen and put the words in the correct column - Play the recording again - Give feedback - Confirm the correct answers - Have Ss to work individually - Play the recording -Give feedback -Confirm the correct answers - Listen and tick the words they hear Key : - Listen to the teacher carefully and remember. - Listen and put the words in the correct column: / ə / / ɜ: / away answer neighbour common burn birth hurt heard - Listen to the sentences and tick /ə / or / ɜ :/ / ə / / ɜ: / 1 √ 2 √ 3 √ 4 √ 5 √ IV. Consolidation (2’) - Recall some hobbies -How to pronounce the sounds/ ə / and / ɜ: /  - Listen and remember V. Homework (1’) -Learn by heart all the new words and structures. - Guide Ss how to do E A1,2 B 5 - Prepare: A closer look 2 - Write down the assignments Feedback: _____________________________________________________________________________________

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