Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Trường THCS Lê Lợi

* Asking for favor (Hái xin sù gióp ®ì)

- What do you say favors?

  Can/could you help me

  Could you do me a favors?

  Can/ Could. . . . ?

- When do you ask for favor

 Need some help

* Respord

 Certainly/ of course? Sure

 No problem. . . .

* OFFERING ASSISTANCE ( §Ò nghÞ sù gióp ®ì)

(Textbook/ pape 55)

a. Look at the phrases in the boxes. Then practice the dialogues with a partner

 (Textbook/ page 55)

b. Use the appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogues:


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Date of teaching: 17th November Week 11 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 32 Lesson plan UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Section: Getting started- listen and read I . Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to report the main idea of the dialogue II. Language content: wVocabulary: enroll, answer application form, out door activities wGrammars: Gerund. III. Technique: groupwork, pair work IV. Teaching aids: picture, cassette player, extraboard V. Procedures: Stages Content Notes Warm up Presentation Chatting: - What do you usually do on your summer holiday? - Do you know “The Young Pioneers and Youth Organization?” I. Getting Stared:(Part 1/54) The HCM Young Pioneer & Youth Oganization * Brainstorming: Y & Y TheY& Y programs Collect wast paper Help blind people Help elderly people Asks so some questions about their activities and their summer holidays ( §oµn thanh niªn vµ t×nh nguyÖn viªn TPHCM) T giving pictures & hanging them on the board. T asks Ss to tell activities of the Y&Y (groupwork) T asks Ssto check (v) the boxes & add more activities to the list. Ex: Planting green trees. Cleaning up street. . . . Practice Consolidation Homework * Setting situation: - What do you usually do on your summer holiday? - Are you members of the Y&Y? - Are there any activity programs for the summer? - Do you take part in them? - What activity do you like best? Pre-teach vocabulary: Enroll (v) Application (n) Out door activities *Checking vocabulary: ROR Repetition drill Introducing the dialogue: “Nga is a student in grade eight. She wants to enroll in the activities for the summer” 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner 2. Complete Nga’s details Answer: Pham Mai Nga 5 Tran Phu Street Not available 22.4.1989 Female * Survey: Write about their friend’s hobbies T asks Ss some questions a New part * Eliciting vocabulary: Translation Visual Examples (football, tennis, swimming) . T introduces the new lesson Ss listen to the tape. Ss practice with their partner. Read the text in silence. T asks Ss to complete Nga’s details (groupwork) Feedback & correction - Asking to work in groups of three to ask their friends & tick on the chart. - Asking Sr to report their friends hobbies Date of teaching: 19thNovember Week 11 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 33 Lesson plan UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Section: Speak I . Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors II. Language content: wVocabulary: favors wGrammars: Modals : may, can, could. III. Technique: groupwork, pair work IV. Teaching aids: extraboard V. Procedures: Stages Content Notes Warm up While speaking * Asking for favor (Hái xin sù gióp ®ì) - What do you say favors? – Can/could you help me – Could you do me a favors? – Can/ Could. . . . ? - When do you ask for favor – Need some help * Respord – Certainly/ of course? Sure – No problem. . . . * OFFERING ASSISTANCE ( §Ò nghÞ sù gióp ®ì) (Textbook/ pape 55) a. Look at the phrases in the boxes. Then practice the dialogues with a partner (Textbook/ page 55) b. Use the appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogues: Greeting Singing a song T asks Ss the meaning of the word FAVOR T asks Ss to copy the following phrases T asks Ss to work in pair + Uplacing expression & Practising + From appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogue Ss work in pair Ss replacing expression& practising From appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogue Post-speaking Homework Keys: T: Could you do me a favor? You: Sure, what can I do for you? T : I lost my money, could you show me the way to the nearest police station? You : Certainly. Turn right out of station & go straight ahead. You’ll see the police station T : Thank you very much You: You’re welcome * Write a similar dialogue Use expression to make another dialogue T guides to make a dialogue Ss write a similar dialogue . Then speak before class ( pairwork) Date of teaching: 24th November Week 12 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 34 Lesson plan UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Section: Listen I . Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and fill in the missing words II. Language content: wVocabulary: unite , peace wGrammars: Let’s + V(inf) III. Technique: groupwork, pair work IV. Teaching aids: cassette player V. Procedures: Stages Content Notes Warm up Pre-listening While listening Post speaking Homework * Chatting : How are you, to day? Would you like to listen music ? What’s the song about ? Pre_teach vocabulary Unite (v) Peace (n) * Checking Vocabulary: What & Where II/ Guess the missing word : Fill in the missing words 1. Unite 5.Worth 9. Show 2. Peace 6. South 10. Place 3. Right 7.Of 12. Stand 4. Love 8. World 13. World Sing this song Prepor Unit 6 : Read Ss listening a song for fun T eliciting vocabulary Translation Translation Repetetion drill Ss : Guess the words to fill in the gaps in the song Ss : give feedback Ss listen to the tape (2times) & fill in the gaps Compare their prediction Date of teaching: 26th November Week 12 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 35 Lesson plan UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Section: Read I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Y&Y. The boy Scouts of America II/ Language contents – Vocabulary : Encourage, cetizenship, educational, voluntary, lead, establish – Grammars : The present continuous tense III/ Techoriques : Slap the board, ask & answer, group work, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : Extraboard, cassetter player V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Pre-reading *Jumbled words 1. RACCHEAR žCHARACTER 2. IOJN ž JOIN 3. MAI ž AIM 4. PEXAILN ž EXPLAIN * Pre teach vocabulary - Encourage (v) - Citizenship (n) - Coeducational (a) - Voluntary (n) - Lead- led- led - Establish * Checking vocabulary: What and Where Multiple choice the correct answer : The boy Scout of American is Youth or . . . . Scouting began in American Write six words whose letters are in disorder * Eliciting vocabulary Explanation Translation Translation Translation Translation Synonym Repetition drill T sticks the poster with the statements & choose which is right answer? Ss group work Feedback While speaking Post speaking Homework 3.William Boyce is a businessman in London Boy & Girls can fan BSA Answer : a/Youth organization a/ England b/American a/Boys b/ Biggest 1) Fill in the missing word Answer: a. 1907 b. 1909 c. 1910 d. 1954 2/ Comprehension questions (Text book/ page 57) Inteview a member of the Boys Scouts of America Write the summary of the BSA Ss listening to the tape T asks Ss to read the text in silence Checking their prediction T asks Ss to work in pair & fill in the blanks T asks Ss to work in pair, ask & answer the questions ( pair work ) T calling on an excellent student in class to practice with the teacher ( T interview – S member of BSA) T calling some pairs of students to play the roles of the interviewer & the member of BSA Date of teaching: 27th November Week 12 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 36 Lesson plan UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Section: Write I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan II/ Language contents ­ Vocabulary : Raise fund, bank, natural resources ­ Grammars : Be going to + V (inf ), modal verbs III/ Techniques : group work, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : Extraboard V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Pre-writing Sing a song Check up 1.Read the text 2.Words: H­íng ®¹o sinh, c«ng d©n 3.Questions a/When did Scouting begin in England? b/What are the Scouting groups that girls can join ? * Setting Situation : - Do you take part in mini - project at your School ? - Do you often collect used glass, paper, cans. . . .? - Do you like this program ? * Pre_teach vocabulary - Nature recources - Raise fund - Bank (n) Ss sing a song T calls 2 Ss to answer the questions T remarks T asks Ss come questions To know more “ activity of the Y&Y”. Let’s begin Unit 6, Section “write” * Eliciting vocabulary example ( coal, oil , iron ) translation visual While- writing Post-writing Homework Checking vocabulary : Slap the board - What do member of theY &Y have to do in the recycling in program? - What is the purpose of recycling program? - What other programs can members of the Y & Y participate in ? 1. Read the passage & complete the letter - Who writes the letter ? - To whom does Nga write ? - Is Nga a member of Y&Y ? - What does Nga write to Linh about? * Answers: 1.Community 5. Recycling 2.Recycling 6. save 3.Collect 7. raise 4.send 8. participating 9.Planting 10. helping 2. Read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt. Then write a letter to her parents telling what she is going to do -Why does Hoa look happy? -What is she going to do in the environment month ? -What are they doing to earn money for their school Y&Y ? Correcting 4 letters of 4 groups Ask each student to help Hoa write letter to her parent visual * Repetition drill T asks Ss to read the notice -To. All Y&Y members T asks Ss some questions : Ss Answer T asks Ss to read the letter & answer some questions Ss work in pairs to fill the gaps in the letter Feedback T introduces “Hoa talk to her aunt about the Y&Y green group, about the activities that she is going to do” T asks Ss to read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt T asks Ss some questions T asks Ss to help Hoa to write a letter to her parents T getting Ss to work in group T presenting a letter of a group T choosing 4 letters from 4 groups Asking Ss to read it lovedly Getting the whole class to read 4 letters and correcting them Date of teaching: 30th November Week 13 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 37 Lesson plan UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Section: Language focus I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to Use” Wh- questions” & “ preposition” to ask & answer Use “gerund” to talk about hobby Use “expression” to ask for a favor II/ Language contents ­ Vocabulary : vocabulary of unit 6 ­ Grammars : WH- question, modal verbs, gerund III/ Techniques : group work, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : Extraboard V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Presentation Practice1 Free1 Sing a song * WH_ QUESTION WHEN ž TIME/DATE WHERE ž PLACE WHAT TIME ž TIME * PREPOSITIONS: IN, AT, ON . . . . 1. Ask & answer questions about Y&Y spring activity program: (Textbook/ pages be * Form verbs : LIKE/LOVE/ENJOY/HATE+GRERUND(V_ ING) Ex: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up, either * Notes: But- And: conjunction * Setting situation1 : T asks some questions - Where do you live? - When do you go to picnic ? - What time do you go ? new part 1 T asks Ss to work in pair, ask & answer Asking & answering their friend’s activities * Setting Situation2 : T asks Ss some questions -When were you born? -What are your hobby? I like drawing, swimming & I enjoy eating candy žintroduces second part Practive2 Free2 Practive 3 Free 3 Homework 2. Work with a partner : a. Talk about our friends’ hobbies ( Textbook/61) b. Ask & answer question with your partner Ex : Do you like playing soccer? No, I hate it. What about you? Yes, I love playing soccer 3. Work with a partner: ( Textbook/62/63) Learn grammar by heart Do exercise in workbook Asking Ss to look at Ba & Lan’s hobbies and talk (pair work) . Asking Ss to remind expression about asking for a favor. Ss work in pair and complete the dialogue Date of teaching: 1st December Week 13 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 38 Lesson plan Consolidation I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate vocabulary, grammars & knowlege II/ Language contents III/ Techniques : - group work, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : - Extraboard V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Revision Pelmanism I/ Vocabulary: from 4 - 6 II/ Grammars: Tense: The simple present tense The simple past tense Modal verbs: Should, can, may, must Adverbs of manner: Adj + ly + adv Prepositions: in, at, on, after, before, between. Verb form: After “Like, enjoy, hate, love” Preposotion ž V-ING After “used to” + V(INF) Command, request, advice in reported speech. Reported speech - S + told + O + to inf - S + told + O + not to inf - S +asked + O + to inf Preparing to cards: One side: numbers The other side: verbs T asks Ss to work in group & choose 2 cards Ex: Send – sent T reminds all knowege that Ss learnt T gives exercise Ss do the exercises - Request (yeu cau) * Can you help me? Or could you * Could you do me a favor? * I need a favor Respond: * Certainly/ of course/ sure * No problem Command: (De nghi) * May I help you? * Do you need any help? * Let me help you? Respond: * Yes/no. thanhk you * Yes. That’s very kind of you * No, thank you. I’m fine III. Exerises Correct tense a/He (live) in Ha Noi for twenty years b/She (not see) that film yesterday. c/They (go) to Sao Mai movie theatre last night. d/Lan (visit) her grand parents to night. e/Nam (do) hes to carefully at the moment. Prepositions: a/My sister was born. . . . . January 26, 1983. b/This car was made. . . . 2003. c/Their parents will go to Ha Noi . . . . . February. d/I’ll come to see you. . . . 8 a.m e/All school close. . . . June. Choose the correct word: a/ . . . . you help me? (can, sould, may) b/. . . . .problem, sir? ( any, without, no) c/. . . . . I help you, madam (should, may, need) d/ I’m. . . . . . , I’m really busy (pity, not good, sorry) e/Do you. . . . . . any help? (have, need, think) 4. Read the passage below, and answer these questions? MY SCHOOL FUN FAIR Last year, when I was in primary six,our school had a fun fair to raise funds for building an assembly hall. Months before the fun fair day Ss had to sell the coupons.A few fortunate ones like me sold the coupons in church compounds & streets, some had to pay from their own pockets while some others had to return a few coupons (In church compounds and streets) back The day before the fun fair, we decorated the school premises and put up stalls for games & sheds for selling good & drinks. The fun fair was declared open by a number of Parliament of the kallang constituency amidst applause & cracker firing. . . . 1/When/ fun fair? 2/What/ do/ you/ months/ fun fair? Feedback & correction Date of teaching: 7th December Week 14 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 40 Lesson plan Unit 7: My neighborhood Section: Getting started- listen & read I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more Na’s new neighbor II/ Language focus ­ Vocabulary: Close by, serve, pancake, try, tasty ­ Grammars : present perfect tense III/ Techniques : group work, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : Extraboard, pictures, cassette V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Presentation 1. Getting started Match the names of places found in a neighborhood with the pictures Answers : a/Grocery store b/Stadium c/Wet market d Drugstore e/Hairdresser’s f/Swimming- pool 2.Listen and read Pre teach vocabulary - Close by (adv) - To sever (v) - Paneake (n) - Tasty (n) *Checking vocabulary: What & where T asks Ss to look at these pictures and Ss match by asking & answering T gives an examples: S1 : What is this ? S2 : A Stadium S1 : Is there a stadium near your house? Leadin T introduces “This is the conversation between Nam & Na, Nam introduces something around his neighhorbood” ž To known mors, let’s begin new part T elicit vocabulary Explanation Explanation Translation Translation Repetion drill Practice Free-practice Consolidation Homework 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner a. How long has Nam lived in that neighborhood? b. Where does Nam want to go? c. Did Nam help Na to fine the restaurant? 2. Complete the sentences: Answers: a/ New b/ Last week c/ tired d/Restaurant e/ Hue f/ Pancakes Ex: Is there restaurant near your house? What is the food like? Write a passage about your neighborhoodd by answering the following questions: a/How long have you lived in your neighborhood b/ Do you like it? c/ Is there a restaurant/ apost office/ a market. . . .? d/ How do you to keep your neighborhood? - Learn new words by heart - Prepare pictures for lesson speak Ss listening to tape one time T asks Ss to read the text in chorus Ss practice the dialogue with a partner T asks Ss some questions Ss feedback T lets Ss do exercises 2 (individually) & compair with their partner. feedback & correcting * Asking & answering about their friends neighborhood Ss write a passage about their neighborhood T ‘s correction Date of teaching: 10th December Week 14 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 41 Lesson plan Unit 7: My neighborhood Section : Speak I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about how to send parcels or letters II/ Language content: ­ Vocabulary: Air mail, surface mail, charge, parcel ­ Grammars : III/ Techniques : group work, pair work IV/Teaching aids : Extra board, pictures V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Pre speaking Chain game Introducing the places in your neighborhood Ex: S1 There is a post office in our neighborhood S2 There is a post office, a cinema. . . . 1.Practice the dialogue with a partner *Setting situation: -Where are they? What’re they doing? - Have you ever sent a parcel or letter by airmail or surface mail? -Do you know how much the domestic mail charges? Pre teach -vocabulary - parcel (n) - air mail (n) - surface mail (n) charge (v, n) *Checking vocabulary: ROR T asking Ss to play a game “chain game” T (picture) asks Ss some questions ž Let’s begin unit 7 “speak” * Eliciting new words Visual Explanation Explanation Translation repetition drill While-speaking Post speaking Homework 2.Look at the following brochure & the information in the box, make similar dialogues “Mrs Lan want to post a letter airmail” Ex: Clerk: Can I help you? Lan: I want to send a letter to KonTum Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail? Lan: I send it airmail. How much is it? Clerk: Let me see. Mmm, 15 grams, it’s only 1.200 dongs Lan: Here you are Clerk: Thank you Making up more dialogues in different places such as market, shop. . . . . -Learn new words by heart - Prepare unit 7: listen * Repetition drill T calls on students to role play T asks Ss some questions -Does Mrs Kim send the parcel by air mail or surface mail? Why? -What’s the weight of her parcel? -How much does she pay? T setting the scene and asking Ss to make the dialogue T aks Ss to make the dialogue between Lan & Clerk in the post office Ss practice the dialogue in pairs T asking Ss to make similar dialogues (the box/ page 65) Ss groupwork feedback & correction Date of teaching: 12th December Week 14 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 42 Lesson plan Unit 7: My neighborhood Section : Listen I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know what is Na going to do on the weekend by listening II/ Language contents: ­ Vocabulary: ­ Grammars : III/ Techniques : Extra board, pictures IV/ Teaching aids : group work, pair work, brainstorming V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Pre_ Listening Sing a song Setting the stuation “ Na is new in the neighborhood, she is talking to Nam about what she’ s going to do on the weekend “ 1. Movie 2.Places A film Stadium School ground City ground 3. Activity Drama/play Music English speak club/contest Ss sing an English song T introduces ž new lesson - Brainstorming and guessing * Asking Ss to look at 4 advertisements of “ What ‘s on this week?” Ss guess what is the blanks 2-3-4 Feedback While_ Listening Post- listening Homework 4.Places Gallery Culture house City Hall 1. Fill in the blanks each of adver tiseman “What’s on this week” Answer: a. The new comer b. Town Ground c. English Speaking Contest d. Culture House 2. Check (v )the correct bos for True or Falseor No information : Answer : T F F T T No Talking about what Na is going to do this weekend Write a short passage about what Na is going to do Ss listen to the tape one time Ss listen to the tape twice & give answer Giving feedback T asks Ss to read the statements Ss guess which is True, false, no information ? Giving feedback T lets Ss listen to the tape again & tick in the correct boxes Date of teaching: 15th December Week 15 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 43 Lesson plan Unit 7: My neighborhood Section : Read I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the passage about a new shopping mall II/ Language focus: ­Vocabulary: a roof, convenient, selection, available, mall, resident, ­Grammars : simple future tense III/Techniques : Group work, pair work IV/Teaching aids : Extra board, cassette V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Rerision Pre - reading a. A place where you can buy vegetables and fruit b. A place where you can buy everything c. A place where you can buy books d. A place where you can come to eat - Do you go shopping? Where? - Is there a mall near your neighborhood? - Do you often go shopping in mall? *Pre teach vocabulary : - roof(n) - comment (a) - Selection (n) - Auailable (a) - Mall (n) Resident (n) Checking vocabulary : slap the board * Asking Ss to give definition & get Ss to find out the words a. Grocery store b. Supermarket c. Bookstore d. Restaurant Setting situation T asks Ss some questions a new lesson T eliciting new words Picture Translation Explanation Synony on Translation Repetition drill While - reading Post _ reading Home work Customers don’t care of the weather The convenience of the new shopping mall lower prices Shop in comfort 1. True/ False statements Answer : T T T F F a/The mall is open daily b/There are 50 stories in the mall c/Not everyone is pleased. The owner of the small stores on TP street are not happy 2. Answer (Textbook/ page 68 ) Discuss: “ Do you want to have a new mall in your neighborhood ? If there is one, what will happen to the resident?” Learn new word by heart T asks Ss to think about the conveniente of mall T asks Ss to open their books & listen to the tape Ss reading the text in silence & decide which statements is True or False ? Lets Ss correct statements T asks Ss to work in pair to answer the questions Ss work in pairs T gives a situation & asks Ss to discuss Date of teaching: 17th December Week 15 Teacher,: Nguyen Thi Le Dung Period : 44 Lesson plan Unit 7: My neighborhood Section : Write I/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a notice II/ Language focus: Vocabulary: III/ Techniques : Group work, pair work IV/ Teaching aids : Extra board, V/ Procedures : Stages Content Notes Warm up Revision Pre - writing While writing Sing a song Read the text & write some words TiÖn lîi, tho¶i m¸i, khu th­¬ng m¹i Setting the scene: “ The residents & store owner on TRAN PHU street are going to hold a meeting to dicuss the effects of the new mall”. 1.Read the community notice : Questions a.Why are the resident & store owners on TP street going to hold a meeting ? b.When will they hold a meeting What time ? c. Where will they hold the meeting? 2. Write a notice: a/ What is the English Speaking club going to hold? b/ Where & when it be held? Ss sing an English song Ss answer T remarks T says T gets Ss to read the notice and answering some questions T guides Ss parts of a notice * Contents, date, time, place, person, to contact T asks Ss to read the passage & answer some questions Post-writing Homework c/What time ? d/Who is the person to contact ? 3.Write a notice about your class meeting - Write a notice about your class meeting - Write a notice about your sports club meeting T asks Ss to write the notice individually Asking Ss to share with their partners Feedback & correction Writing a model notice on the board Date of teaching

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